Tagged by Angel Mischa

Jul 07, 2008 14:30

I am still under siege by a horde of rabid plot bunnies. As a result, I just posted a little something for the Apologies Challenge, Ars Apologia, over at grangersnape100.

Okay, now the meme. angelmischa tagged me for this a few days ago, but I've just got around to it now. It does have a nice feature, in that it allows you to replace questions you don't like with questions of your own.

Rules of the Game:
A) People who have been tagged should write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B) Tag 10 people to do this quiz. These people should state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

01. If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?

In general? Giving him his walking papers. I have a difficult enough time trusting anybody; I don't need to deal with thoughtless people who abuse that trust when it's offered. Of course there are other things to take into consideration--the actual offense, the duration, the circumstances--but on the whole, infidelity shows a serious, serious flaw in either the person's character or the established relationship (possibly both), and it's not something I could or would wave off.

02. What's a weird habit you have?

Um... I've probably mentioned this before, but I'm borderline OCD, so I straighten and neaten things obsessively. I mean, obsessively. When I'm at a party, I organize the little mints into little piles, sorted by color. I'm always making certain that things are at right angles. I spend time making certain that all the canned goods in the pantry are organized according to use and grouped, like with like, and then I make sure the labels are all facing forward. Sometimes I organize displays in stores when they're messy, illogical or not symmetrical.

03. Would you have 100% safe sex with a stranger for $10,000,000?

Okay, given the OCD-ish tendencies and the 'not trusting easily' answers, I can pretty easily say that this would be a 'no.'

04. What music do you listen to when you write/create/work (if you do)?

It varies. Sometimes I listen to something that puts me in the right mood for the piece, but on the whole, I find that my classical collection--especially violin-centric pieces--really helps stimulate my imagination. I'm very soothed by the complexity and structure of those pieces, and I'm not distracted by lyrics, so that probably helps to focus me.

05. What is your biggest fear?

Success, because I'm always afraid about living up to heightened expectations afterward. Failure, because I define myself by my work and achievements, so without that, I don't think much of myself. Not having anything interesting or original to say. Betrayal, on a personal level. Being alone for the rest of my life. Being excluded/rejected/found wanting. Being laughed at/mocked/made to look foolish. Touch of claustrophobia.

06. What is your favorite book?

I couldn't possibly pick one single book. Different books have moved me at different times in my life. When I was an artsy, emo teenager, I adored Hamlet, when I was 21 and fashionably cynical, I was awestruck by Camus' L'etranger, and when I was 12 and feeling like a horribly out-of-place brainy kid, I fell in absolute love with Sherlock Holmes and every single one of Conan Doyle's stories. Books are wonderful because they mean different things to us at different times in our lives, and just like I don't believe there's only one true love for each person, I don't believe that there's one single book that is my absolute favorite, no matter what.

07. What do you want from your life?

Companionship is number one, followed by professional success. One of these days, I'd like to try and dare to get some of my original fiction published. Money is sort of immaterial to me--I mean, I'd like enough to live securely and provide any children I might have with the best I can offer, but I don't hunger for riches or luxury or great fame. (I know, I know, some Slytherin, right? Let's just say that my ambition was thwarted at an earlier age and I learned a lesson from that.)

08. What would you just like to do some days?

Go on a trip wherever I'd like, whenever I'd like. I'd visit all sorts of places, if I didn't have other considerations.

09. What do you do when you're feeling down?

Write. Brood. Slam doors. Go away to be by myself and lick my wounds in private.

10. What are you addicted to?

The internet. LJ. Writing. Coffee. Books.

11. What country other than your own would you like to live in?

Heh! If you know me, then you probably already know that the answer is 'France.' I've lived there before and loved it; I still miss it terribly. I felt very comfortable there, in a way that I frankly don't always feel here.

12. How old were you when you first got a cell phone?

Hmmm... I think I was 22 when I finally got a cell phone of my own. I bought it with my first 'real' paycheck after graduating from college. But hey, when I was in high school, cell phones were still a rare commodity, and they were big, heavy cumbersome things--definitely not pocket-sized!

13.What is your favorite curse word?

I love them all, but I have to say that 'fuck' is my favorite, because it's so flexible. Although 'Propsero's Pustulant Prick' is growing on me. ;-)

14. What inspires you?

Life. People I know now, or have known. Places I've visited. Emotions I've felt and situations I've endured. Nature. Sometimes reading other people's writing or watching movies/television provide me with a spark of inspiration, and I've also been very inspired by art, poetry or a grouping of words that strikes me in just the right way.

15. Would you rather a large or small extended family?

One side of my family has a massive extended family, while the other side is very sparse. Odd as it seems, I like the warmth and security of having that large extended family, provided that we all allow each other enough distance when it's needed.

16. How many children do you want to have, if any?

I always wanted to have three or four, truthfully, but given my current life situation, that seems vanishingly unlikely. I'll just say that I'd be really thankful for the opportunity to have a child.

17. What do you think of tattoos?

I admire them on other people from time to time, but it's not for me. Besides, I've seen too many people regret them later.

18. What's the last movie you saw in theaters?

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It was fun, and I enjoyed it.

19. What's your favorite movie ever?

Again, I don't have actual favorites. I have movies I enjoy and revisit, though. Stranger Than Fiction is a recent film that I really loved--very creative, very thoughtful, with interesting characters and multiple layers of interpretation. Great details, too--no small thing went overlooked. The Painted Veil is another fairly recent movie that wowed me--wonderful acting, a gripping story, and deeply flawed characters who grew, evolved and found different forms of redemption and fulfillment.

20. What is your favorite scent?

Fresh coffee. Jasmine. Lotus flower. Leather. Books. Gardenia. Fresh lilacs. Honeysuckle. Vanilla. The smell of baking in general.

I'm actually not going to tag anybody, because I know people are busy getting ready for Portus and such. If you'd like to try the meme, please do. For those of you who will be travelling, I wish you a safe trip and a lovely, lovely time at Portus. I'm going to want to see pictures!

ss/hg, hp fic, memes, hermione, drabbles, snape

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