Birthday Drabble for Machshefa: "And Xavier Makes Three"

Jul 06, 2008 16:26

Graphics for Happy Birthday Comments

Happy birthday, machshefa! In your honor, I've written a little drabble sequel to What to Expect When Your Husband's Expecting: And Xavier Makes Three. I hope you enjoy the drabble and your special day, as well as the wonderful year to come. A special bonus: this drabble was also written to conform to snape100's "Every Letter of the Alphabet" challenge, so it features at least one word starting with each letter of the alphabet--A to Z and everything in between.

In other writing news, the Snuna continues apace, and it's been unexpectedly joined by a Snape/McGonagall story that grew out of juniperus's prompt for her birthday drabble. Both should be coming soon!

I've also been attacked by no fewer than three different plot bunnies for drabble series, and I've done some more work on my seekrit Snape/Hermione detective/historical story, which I hope to start posting soon. I don't know if the incredible burst of creativity has come from the suddenly gorgeous weather or what, but it's almost overwhelming. I'm having to just jot things so that I can go back and decide whether to proceed or discard the idea.

Also, for fans of "I F***ing Do," be sure to check out the new installments! Our story is coming to a close, and the most recent installments have been hilarious treats to read. The ceremony is here and the reception is here. Food is flung, curses (magical and otherwise) are exchanged, centaur bits are ogled, the guests compete to see who can behave most inappropriately--and Toby's cricket skills turn out to be more important than anybody would have guessed. Check it out and enjoy!

hissing harpies, birthdays, ss/hg, hermione, sequels, snape, hp fic, writing, drabbles

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