I've Got the Blues

Jul 08, 2008 11:05

Or, as machshefa so accurately termed it, "Portus Envy."

Mostly, I'm just feeling rather bummed that I won't be able to be there and meet all you lovely people, but it also happens to coincide with the end of the big project that's been occupying me ("I F***ing Do"), while many of my RL friends are busy/vacationing/occupied with troubles of their own and LJ will probably be sort of a dead zone while half the flist is at Portus. It's just sort of an unlucky confluence of ugh-ness that's got me feeling very broody. I'm sure it will pass, but at the moment, it's unpleasant and most likely, so am I.

Amusingly (in the sense of 'cosmic irony'), even the sun is refusing to cooperate and cheer me up! It was sunny when I woke up, but the sky's become progressively darker and gloomier since, and we're due for thunderstorms the rest of the day.

One thing's going right, however, and that's my garden. Today was the first day the lilies decided to bloom, so that's a nice surprise. I decided to snap a few pictures of the lilies and Sweet William while the sun was still semi-decent, so if you're interested, here are .

I hope that all of you at Portus have a safe trip, a fabulous time, take lots of pictures and please, please post them so that those of us who can't be there in person can enjoy it vicariously here. It will be appreciated! :D

garden, pic spam

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