~sings "Auld Lang Syne"~

Dec 31, 2009 18:15

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2010 will be here soon, and... well, I'm not sorry to see the back of you, 2009. You started out on the wrong foot (somewhat literally), and things only got worse from there. (I'm not revisiting the low points; what's the point in wallowing?) But as far as I'm concerned, it's all history now, and I'm determined to make 2010 a significant improvement. Yes. No resolutions as such, but I do plan to make an effort to be more positive and mindful, and to continue to challenge myself, to push my own boundaries and not retreat into parochialism and complacency and too-familiar comfort zones.

Yet before I consign it to the trash heap, I need to acknowledge the points of 2009 that were, in their various ways, extraordinary and wonderful. Even the worst years have a few good moments, after all. (Unless you're Seveus Snape. Then you're screwed.)


1. The FList: Yup, dear flist, you are number one on this list, because you've been here for me through some very rough times. You make me smile when I'm down, you straighten me out when I've worked myself into knots, you inspire me when I'm blocked, you're tolerant when I'm self-indulgent, you listen when I need to talk and you teach me every day about the most incredible grace, dignity, humor and wisdom. Thank you for teaching me new things all the time and for doing me the honor of sharing your lives and thoughts and virtual company with me! You made this year bearable.

2. Azkatraz: My first fan convention, and my first trip to San Francisco. I don't think it will be the last time, on either count. ;-) Azkatraz was more fun than I could ever have dreamed, from the Bestest Roomies Evah, to the night at the most excellent and feel-good drag bar ever, to the sheer joy of being able to meet dear friends in person for the first time and discover that they're even more wonderful than they seem online. Yes, there was the odd rotten panel (*ahem*), and yes, it was a downer to return to more mundane life afterward, but it was still THE high point for the year. Older friendships were enriched and new ones were kindled. I participated in My First Cosplay. And I'm already counting the days to Infinitus, when I can glomp some of you again and others of you for the first (and hopefully not last) time. :D

3. OWL Staff: The best colleagues a person could hope for, and wonderful friends as well. I love the collective brilliance of the OWL brain trust, and I marvel at how hard you all work--and how well we work together. You are all deserving of worship. And margaritas. ;-)

4. Slytherin House: How fantastic and supportive and hard-working was Slytherin House? Beyond my ability to express. I was so, SO proud of the way our house banded together and worked in concert to give Ravenclaw a good fight, right down to the wire. We swarmed, we supported, we reviewed, we glomped those deserving of glomping and we managed to collaborate to write (amongst other things) a 99-chapter story. With a cohesive plot. Told through the filter of memos, letters, forms and house-elf English. Guys? You ROCK. I am so proud of my fellow Slytherins for epitomizing what canon Slytherin house always should have been: smart, loyal to one another, pragmatic but principled, determined but honorable. Best of all, I thank you all for keeping it in the spirit of fun and having a good time with the House Cup contest. ~glows green with Slytherin pride~

5. My Family: We were tested in some unusual and trying ways this year, but I think we banded together and became much stronger as a result. It is a distinct pleasure to realize that I'm actually proud to be related to these people. They aren't just my family, but my friends.

6. Younger Brother Grows Up: Well, mostly. He did have a few moments of distinct dickotry, he still made a lot of massive strides this year, and I can see and appreciate his hard-won progress. He's doing something he loves, he's on a path to learn to share his gifts with others, and he's growing as a person. He'll always be a kid to me, because big sisters are like that (*g*), but I can also see that he's becoming the man he hopes to be.

7. The Symphony: Oasis of calm, inspirer of ideas, source of beauty and wisdom and insight. I've witnessed such sublime moments of joy and perfection and revelation at Orchestra Hall this year, and every single concert has been treasured. That season ticket was the best money I ever spent, and you'd better bet I will be treating myself to this small luxury next year. It has been a pleasure, and I hope the second half is as great as the first half was.

8. The Cats: Warm and furry and adorable beyond measure, they comfort me when I need it and accept me just as I am. They are perfect, each in their own ways, and they are certainly the perfect companions for me.

9. Godkids: They laugh and smile and appreciate my smallest gesture. They see the wonder and beauty in things I've long stopped noticing--until now. They are now old enough to be talk with me and still small enough to still believe that I am somehow cool and fun. Someday, I hope to be as good a person as they think I am. :-)

10. The Garden: Another source of beauty, calm and truth, despite the temerity of Black Squirrels. I love tending my garden and am grateful for my patch of greenness. It is somehow incredibly fulfilling to know that I am capable of nurturing something on this earth, and this was a particularly beautiful year for the blooms.

I'm sure I could go on, but this seems like a good place to stop. In short: thanks for being here, and let's have an even better time next year, right? ~toasts you all~ Have the Happiest of New Years, please, and I'll see you in 2010. :D

real life

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