~smile of contentment~

Dec 30, 2009 17:38

Had a wonderful visit with Cousin M and her husband and the Godkids today. They were delighted with their presents (indeed, they couldn't wait to play with them) and are now at an age when they get really, really thrilled about Christmas. I was especially tickled that Goddaughter liked the one present I picked up on a whim, which was a doll with an entire wardrobe of different snap-on dresses. They are... gah, so much fun now. (Of course I say that. I don't have to clean up after them every day.) Godson continues to be a little engineer-in-training, drawn to anything car or train-like. Goddaughter continues to physically be the spitting image of her mother and temperament-wise be an eerie replica of me. (How does that happen?)

From them, I received movie passes, a giant box of chocolates and warm, pleasingly floofy purple jimjams, along with many huggles and thank-yous and sweet little kid giggles of delight. :D

They also appreciatively gobbled chocolate cookies and visited with the cats--or rather, with Othello, who is a sweet and tolerant soul and doesn't mind being petted by little hands. (Otto, on the other hand, has a terror of children that ranks only slightly lower than his fear of being bathed or being hunted by the Vacuum Cleaner of Terror). Cousin M is also feeling much, much better now that she's into her 2nd Trimester and not completely exhausted all the time, so we grownups also had a very good visit with each other while Godson and Godaughter were inventing ways for Cinderella and the Prince to be riding on the Ghost Train.

Cousin M also dropped the bombshell that Crazy Aunt Joan is... wait for it... engaged. To her boyfriend, who she only first got involved with in July. After his wife died in May. O.o To say that we are concerned would be an understatement.

holidays, real life

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