Professions by gqgqqt [Avengers, Clint/Coulson, NC-17, 5.356 words]
Summary: Clint is a well-adjusted sex worker, but Phil has been in the field for years with no mouthy, loyal sniper to watch his back. It shows.
Rec note: Surprisingly good considering that I approved of the twist (of the usual trope) inherent in the summary, but was still
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Okay, so I've set up a template and automated a couple more of the coding bits via PhraseExpress hotkeys, and it's easier. I just need to write a bunch of rec notes for the recs languishing around in Pinboard. As long as you (and I) can live with the fandoms out of order, then it's a lot easier. Not a whole lot here - this was mostly a test run and
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Going by this list, I've been eaten alive by The Avengers and X-Men. Fascinating. Anyway, for various reasons that it would take too long to explain at this juncture, I tore apart the living room this morning and removed the shelves that I absolutely despised. They're being replaced by some commercial wire shelving that's about 5 feet wide x 2 feet
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I last posted a proper recs post on August 8th. This is what I've come up with since then, minus the emergency recs I made earlier in the week. I swear I've gotten things done besides reading fic and watching vids (it just doesn't look like I could have possibly had time
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If you can't find something to read in the conglomeration, you aren't looking hard enough. Sheesh, this is what happens when I don't post recs forever. On the other hand, this here is a mighty fine collection, if I do say so myself.
I could ramble on about other real-life things but, to be honest, they're boring me (especially the headache, ack). So! First, random to do list: ( 1... )
A kind of insta-rec as I just read it, but the fic has been up for two days and only has four comments -- this is a crime, people!! Fandom should be exposed to this!
Constant Carnival wizefics Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Dawn/Derek 7.618 words Rated R
For one, I'll steal the author's time line notes:Dawn Summers was
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