I remembered to call my mother yesterday! \o/
I could ramble on about other real-life things but, to be honest, they're boring me (especially the headache, ack). So! First, random to do list:
1. Pay bills (today)
2. Cushions -> Laundromat (I put this off from yesterday b/c Sat. was university graduation and I was avoiding town)
3. XHTML Validation
4. Tonight = 'patchy frost', ergo cover plants
5. Finish planting garden (this one's on tomorrow)
6. Download some long fic for reading next week while out of net range
7. Work on DW theme/style/whatever it is
8. See if Delicious Glue is working yet (fixed today, hopefully?)
9. Finish converting LJ Flist to Atom (versus RSS) in FeedDemon
Then, criminy. Anything as long as it's fannish and/or entertaining! Hmm. How about some recs?
.: Firefly/Buffy the Vampire Slayer Crossover :.
Serenity, Nevada | ChristinaK
PG-13 [41.355 words in 17 chapters]
A very good crossover! Oz is the only character making a significant appearance from Buffy, but the whole crew of Serenity is in on the act -- and mostly being drug into the supernatural bad guys thing with the greatest reluctance. Fantastic characterizations all around and a great story! (Some background canon pairings but mostly gen.)
.: Merlin - Sequels :.
Ten Weeks |
shinethewayNC-17 [6.750 words]
Sequel to
Truth is a Whisper by
seperis Honeymoon and
Keepsake |
rageprufrockNC-17 Honeymoon [1.792 words] Keepsake [4.303 words]
Sequels to
Drastically Redefining Protocol, also by
rageprufrockAnnnnd, I just realized there's another that I'd missed:
Throw-In [2.280 words], which I'll be reading very shortly. *g*
.: Stargate Atlantis :.
Rainbow Connection |
perspiPG-13 [1.200 words]
I have developed an undue bias against rainbows in any connection with fanfic, but I'll make an exception in this case as it applies to paintballs. John doesn't know when, exactly, guns became a turn-on. I'm not quite sure when guns became a turn-on either, John, but I'm thinking I'm right there with you.
.: The Unread List :.
In no particular order.
Lingering in the Golden Gleam |
causeways [SPN RPS, J2, NC-17, 21.000 words]
Louder than Words |
ignazwisdom [dueSouth, Fraser/RayK, NC-17, 9.300 words]
Gate of Ivory, Gate of Horn |
wemyss [HP, Harry/Draco, R, 160.000 words, sequel 150.000 words]
Rings Within Rings | fantasticmuse [Madeleine L'Engle, Austin/Murray/O'Keefe Families, PG, 2.275 words]
Black Helicopters Series |
whizzy [SGA, John/Rodney, R, Ongoing -- Up to ~73.800 words]
Damage |
xanthelj [NCIS, Gibbs/DiNozzo, NC-17, 132.000 words]
The Accidental Seduction |
ras_elased [Merlin, Arthur/Merlin, NC-17, ~9.000 words]
Night and Light and the Half Light |
the_moonmoth [Merlin, Arthur/Merlin, PG, ~13.000 words]
Sheppard's Law |
cesperanza [SGA, John/Rodney, Rating Unknown, 34.372 words]
RPS Doesn't Get to Have a Title |
derryere [Merlin RPS, Bradley/Colin, R, 16.000+ words]
Groundverse |
noelia-g [The Dark Knight, Jim/Bruce, PG-13, 4 books (3 with multiple parts)]
Beyond the End | Katrina Bowen [theSentinel, Jim/Blair, NC-17, ~21.175 words]
The Doctor and Mr. Jones |
sam_storyteller [TW, Jack/Ianto, R, 19.077 words]
Superman for Sale |
dm_wyatt [SV, Clark/Lex, NC-17, 15 Chapters + Epilogue]
Kendreague |
callista_mythol [NCIS AU, Gibbs/DiNozzo, R, ~19.900 words]
Snowbringer |
blackbird_song [TW, Jack/Ianto, NC-17, ~18.000 words]
The Fast and the Furious Recs |
norahIndelible | Shaenie [SGA, John/Rodney, NC-17, 128.678 words]
Zen and the Art of Winchester Maintenance |
dapatty [SPN/Life, Sam/Charlie, NC-17, 6.269 words] Story #1 in Sequence
Of Oranges and Impalas |
dapatty [SPN/Life, Sam/Charlie, NC-17] Story #2 in Sequence (takes place during #1)
It's All About the Journey |
dapatty [SPN/Life, Sam/Dean/Charlie, NC-17, 18.051 words] Story #3 in Sequence
Good Night, Sweet Prince | Meltha [Shakespeare (Yuletide), R, 2.400 words]
Confessions |
out_there [TW, Jack/Ianto, PG-13, 7.356 words]
Compromise |
sam_storyteller [TW, Jack/Ianto, PG, 6.803 words]
A Matter of Time | demotu [TW, Jack/Ianto, NC-17, Downloaded as eBook]
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit |
derryderrydown [TW, Jack/Ianto, R, 6.601 words]
Proof of Your Existence |
sarcasticchick [TW, Jack/Ianto, NC-17, 24.595 words]
Anne Higgins' Bonding Universe [Star Wars, Lots and Lots of Words]
Someone You Might Have Been |
fleshflutter [SPN RPS, J2, NC-17, 39 parts - I'm up to chapter 13]
I'd add up the number of words but I don't think I can count that high. Plus, there's the issue of approximation, which makes me twitch (admittedly, twitching over said subject is rather silly, but there you go). Also, there's no Highlander up there and I'm craving some good Duncan/Methos -- anyone?