The Yao Chronicles: A sort of
pixel_trade legacy, I'm using other people's sims, but not necessarily following all the rules, mostly because I'm bad at remembering things.
Notes: We're back in business! A full reinstall seems to have fixed most of the problems. Fingers crossed that everything's okay now. Another bumper update, to make up for the wait.
Last Time: Astronaut and Mysterieuse got jobs in their LTW careers and a girlfriend/boyfriend. Sam got old, and reached his LTW. Crazy became a teenager and rolled Pleasure/Knowledge, (exactly the same as Mysterieuse), and the kids had a trip to the bowling alley with Avaline and Kato.
Current Spouse: Dag Yao (
This update includes sims by:
keoni_chan snapun brilliantcat freudroid rhiannon_alexis simsarecool kathsy charterzard needlecream keoni_chan Previous Updates:
1.0 |
1.1 |
1.2 |
1.3 |
1.4 |
1.5 |
1.6 |
1.7 We begin this update with the knowledge that Sam and Dag are still as affectionate as ever.
Sibling study hour is still a thing.
Kato is leaving us something, whilst Astronaut is sneaking out. Let's see who with...'s Kato. That's not a good sign!
The sparks are still flying for these two. It's almost sickening.
Astronaut saunters back in after sneaking out, and I realised that his skintone was another casualty of the great deletion.
A little tweaking in SimPE and he's fixed up.
Dag: The things I have seen.
Crazy brings Kato home, but decides that studying is a better option than interacting with him.
Apparently the kitchen is the best place for freestyling. Who knew?
This is the beginning of what I call "Mathias Jansen-Roscoe is a Fucking Creeper" if he's not calling for one of the boys, he's calling for the other. This is annoying on several levels:
1: He's old enough to be their father.
2: His children are friends with the boys.
Let's start a tally shall we?
Mati Calls: 1
Mati Calls: 2
I have a rule for my sims: you break it, you fix it. Astronaut manages this quite well.
Crazy: I compel thee with the power of my mind alone...
Whatcha looking at, Cray?
...oh. Oh.
Mysterieuse's workout gear is so appropriate for the snow, right?
Mysterieuse: ...the model said if you can't read my
hippopede you ain't getting none.
Mile (
keoni_chan) stops by to read the paper. Astronaut doesn't care.
Astronaut isn't doing anything to up his enthusiasm, but sure.
The secondary knowledge aspiration has taken over the kids.
All that exercise has taken its toll on Mysterieuse.
It has taken me this long to realise that Crazy didn't have a job. Luckily, his LTW career came up on the first go.
That "small" loss? §1000. Damn.
Now that he's permaplat, I find myself having trouble finding Sam things to do.
Flapper (
snapun) obviously matched her outerwear to her hair.
Sadie (
brilliantcat): Maybe if I work out in front of him, I can get into this family...
Astronaut: Who the heck is this?
Mati Calls: 3
This is a pretty good representation of how Mysterieuse gets home from work every night.
Mysterieuse: What if this pizza rots my brain?
Crazy's attempt at omelettes didn't quite work out.
Astronaut: It's not going to win any awards for taste, texture, or ambience, but thanks anyway for breakfast bro.
Crazy: Don't make me spit in it next time.
The upstairs bathroom. A hotspot for gathering in the Yao household.
Dag: ...and he won't stop fucking calling! Worst of all you'll never guess what I saw him doing the other day...
I don't think it's possible to fail this one, just because it's so common.
/obligatory overdone Kanye West joke.
Mati Calls: 4
Mati Calls: 5
Dag: I've heard some things about high speed trains, and how fast they go into tunnels...
Sam: ...and I learnt a new way to take someone's temperature..
If it works for them, I guess...
Crazy's second attempt at learning a new recipe seems to have gone down better.
Astronaut: Awwww jeah! Snow dayyyy!! Woop woop!
So, my "you break it, you fix it" rule came back to bite me in the butt.
(It turns out Mysterieuse only had 1 mechanical point...)
Astronaut came over to worry, being the supportive twin brother he is.
Since Dag is so close to elderhood, I've been trying to fill as many of her wants as possible.
Crazy brings Nell (
freudroid) home from work...
...but he's more interested in playing catch with Astronaut.
Mati Calls: 6
No, no you won't.
Mati Calls: 7
Mati, don't make me use that Cowplant you have in your inventory...
Nell: I've watched some of your speeches on the interschool intranet service. You're so good!
Mysterieuse: Oh, I know. I've got a scholarship for it, I'm that good.
Crazy finally decides to pay attention to Nell. It turns out that they have a bolt of chemistry.
Dag celebrates her latest promotion by transitioning to elder as soon as she gets home.
Crazy kept rolling a want for a date, so Nell was called. Everything seems to be going well so far.
First shot ad elder Dag, post-makeover. She's still gorgeous.
The family seems to use pillow fights as a sign of affection.
For some reason, Kato has invited himself in, and is crashing Crazy and Nell's date.
Jeremiah (
rhiannon_alexis) is also around, keeping Mysterieuse company.
Crazy and Nell share their first kiss. That makes it 3 for 3 on the kids.
Kato: Hey. Hey, Crazy. I wanna tell you something. Hey, Crazy. Crazy. Hey.
Do you and your father not know how to take a hint?
Kato: Aw, man.You should taste this chilli recipe my sister sent me. So good.
Chance card with bonus Apple (
Kato is apparently almost as much of a creeper as his dad is.
Speaking of children taking after their
Astronaut: Look at me. I am so good looking.
The fruit tree and new vegetable patch are great for keeping Sam quiet.
Mati Calls: 8
My urge to nuke him is rising rapidly with every call.
Crazy bought Astronaut and Mysterieuse a mobile phone each.
Yaaay! Dag finally joins Sam in permaplat.
Sam and Dag's new LTW's, both of which are pretty easy.
Sam and Dag remain adorable <3
Matching frowny faces. I gave Dag some glasses, as their chemistry had become 0.
Mati Calls: 9
Lightning strike fire in the rain. Pretty, if not pointless.
Dag: Get the kids out of the house. It's date night!
Maybe next update, yeah?
NOPE. Mysterieuse is not bring the headmaster home.
Sparrow (
kathsy) watches on as Amaretto Sour (
charterzard) steals our invisible paper...
...which causes Mysterieuse to shout at the wall.
Further proof that
pillow fights = affection.
Sam was at the top of his career? Just who was his boss?
Mysterieuse and Dag play catch in the garden, much to the confusion of Plume (
needlecream) and Keoni (
Astronaut's scholarships.
Bye Astronaut! See you in an update or three!
Mysterieuse's scholarships.
And with that, she's off to reside in the sim bin with her twin, awaiting their younger brother.
And that's it for this time, dear readers. Thank you for sticking with me whilst I got everything sorted. However, I do have one question - do you guys prefer these bumper 100+ image editions, or the slightly smaller 70-90 picture editions? Please don't hesitate to let me know, because it will probably influence how Generation 2 is posted.