I feel a crazy meta on the rise.

Feb 22, 2008 13:45

There's been some very open and honest and well-elucidated conversations lately about Show and gender and race and stuff. It made me put my thinky cap on. Some of it makes a whole lot of sense to me while some makes no sense to me at all.  The first thing I noticed is that both sides of these conversations are basing their argument on the track record of death or disappearance. Okay, interesting. Plausible, maybe. Inflammatory? Obviously. Crazy fun? Hell, yes. Don't mind me. I'll be back with an opinion (maybe) when I have it all re-watched. Until I do, I don't have one (so I can't argue it yet but I'll leave comments open to take suggestions of things to watch for) and will enjoy pondering the question.

*starts an SPN guest star / character fate marathon to meta this ... like I needed any other excuse*

In the meantime, this is an interesting article: 
Three-Point Characterization, or No, We Really Aren't All Watching the Same Show, by Rachael Sabotini

thinky thoughts, because it's wrong, meta, politics, going to hell, cnk 80q3, fandom

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