What day is it?

Feb 24, 2008 06:05

I have not been to bed. Granted, I didn't get up until noon, but I had almost 6 hours of rehearsal today, which pretty much wore me out (my character spends most of the time being pissed, so it takes a lot of evergy). Then I had two grande, triple shot coffees at Starbucks tonight. Cuppa Insanity, anyone?

I apparently should never be trusted to beta anyone's stories. Dear Lord in the cloudy skies, she is going to wonder why she ever asked me. LOL! No. Really. Seriously.

It's hard to brain with Damien Rice whining in my ears.

And she tagged me for the five favorites thingie. SO.

Five Things I Love About Supernatural:

1) My first love on the show didn't even have legs. It was the car. Around here, we call it the Impala-la-la-la. Because we can. And the other one? It is dubbed The Beast. Ya'll call it Zilla. That's cool, too. :)

2) The archetypes. What it's taught me about the world and myself. I love that almost everything substantial on the show has a double-meaning, whether it relates to a current social situation or a shadow of an ancient legend that attempted to illustrate centuries of human belief, monsters included. It's deep in ways that other shows have not been (for me).

3) The Winchesters. Bobby. Ellen. I love the dialog and the people who play them. I love that the Js (Jim, Jeff, Jared, Jensen) understand all that stuff and still manage to find truly awe-inspiring levels of humanity to move these characters. They have a past and a present that's so emotionally true, they feel real. I go to bed at night wondering what city Sam and Dean are in and if they'll have to swat cockroaches when they eat cereal on the floor in front of the TV in the morning on a rare day off. They are the brothers I never hear from and still pray for everyday.

4) The look and feel: the eccentric motel rooms, the majority of vehicles being before 1980, the music, the farmers-tan clothes and greasy ballcaps. It's cool - timeless without being dated.

5) Fanfic. When you find good stuff, you don't wanna go to bed. Ever again. It can eat your brain. I got online for spoilers (NO. Sam CAN'T be dead...) and I stayed for the authorship of people who were writing for the love of the characters alone. That was very inspiring. I had not written anything for almost 10 years. Thank you for waking that back up. Now you have to suffer the consequences. LOL

I can't think of five people to tag who haven't been tagged already, maybe. Um.


It's morning. Good night.

insomnia again, ninja, what was my name?, one-offs

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