Episode 3.12 that was 3.11 CHILDREN ARE EVOL

Feb 22, 2008 01:45


I have more... but I have to drive someone home. I will be back to die with you all later.


If I start in on Dean's dialogue in this episode, I will never go to bed. Let's just say that Henrikson got the biggest laugh tonight - it had literally just died down before Dean's comeback and then we were off again - "I shot the sherriff." So deadpan. So shocked. So monstrously AWESOME. Almost as awesome as Dean getting pie thrown at him yet again and still being awesome, because you know, all this attention is because they are so awesome. Yes.


1) Helicopter burning was very winning. I liked. Was slightly sad faced that we didn't actually get to SEE it GO BOOM, but it was an awesome thing, nonetheless. Jazz hands to the transpo and effects teams! :)

2) Okay wow, everyone is asploding. This is going to be a very silent drop in this lake, but I've had a couple of questions about tonight. The first one, thenyxie asked too, about WHYFOR did they just let Ruby walk back out, without attacking her again? She was bloodied and embattled on her way in, and then to just waltz out? Huh? Something is not jazzing with me there. Like she's got either some kind of tenure or authority ... not that they're all of a sudden just scared of her. And if the new leader of the west told them to let her go, which is also a plausible explanation, again, why?

3) I am so confused about this new Wicked Witch of the West, this Lilith character. This is supposed to be the demon that holds Dean's contract, right? I mean, that's what I gleaned from all the interactions lately... the CRD saying that someone else holds it, Tammy telling Sam that she doesn't like him very much and saying "oh, two for one" when Dean charged in to save him, Dean in the cell cracking a joke that none of them have ever gone after them before so directly and was it because there's the little matter of a contract (I STILL say he knows more than Sam thinks he does about who holds it) and... AM I SMOKING CRACK?

4) Oh AND! If Tammy could stop a bullet with Neo-like powers, and she is a minion of Lilith's, then HOW is the Colt going to do anything? White Eyes? What does that mean? Are we running out of colors yet? Is there a Kripke Baddie McBadass Primer that I can get my hands on? I am so lost when it comes to this demon hierarchy that's being created. We're going from Ars Goetia territory to Isaiah and Greek Mythology and my little brain cannot juxtaposition the two without some assistance. Sources?

5) Seriously, sometimes I think Ruby is stringing Sam along and saving them just enough times to make her ideas and plans seem 100% correct. Because tonight? I'm sorry. Yes, the solution Dean suggested did end in the loss of more innocent life... but it was innocent life lost AT THE HANDS OF THE ENEMY. If they start sacrificing innocents to save others, how does that make them anything other than the same dark twisted beings they are fighting? And that Sam didn't have anything to say? Hurt. A lot. I worry about that boy and tonight didn't make me feel much better. If Dean had not been there to enforce the moral obligation of their cause (he knows all too personally what damage can be done by sacrificing the life of an innocent), I have a bad feeling that Sam would have agreed to do what Ruby said. The virgin agreeing wouldn't have made it any less of a crime. DON'T LISTEN TO THIS GUILT TRIP BOYS. You did the right thing, the just thing, in this situation and don't you let her tell you otherwise. Dean? Sam? *shakes them*

6) Boys on beds. Dean needs patching up. Again. Sam is going to need a listening ear. Dean is gonna want him to spill about some stuff right about now. Arguments about innocence and justice and when to break the rules... I predict some super awesome codas in my flist this weekend. :)

i am beer, sam!, thinky thoughts, dean!, ninja, cnk 80q3, sam is dean and dean is sam, insomnia again, because it's wrong, meta, review, what was my name?, oh noes, teh awesum

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