I feel a crazy meta on the rise.

Feb 22, 2008 13:45

There's been some very open and honest and well-elucidated conversations lately about Show and gender and race and stuff. It made me put my thinky cap on. Some of it makes a whole lot of sense to me while some makes no sense to me at all.  The first thing I noticed is that both sides of these conversations are basing their argument on the track ( Read more... )

thinky thoughts, because it's wrong, meta, politics, going to hell, cnk 80q3, fandom

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Comments 2

lila_blue_b February 22 2008, 20:44:52 UTC
A lot of the complaints on gender, I think are probably limited to Season 3, where I can see a the definite possibility of a shift.

The race thing... yeah, I can see room to make the argument that's been made. I'm still bummed about Henricksen.


a_phoenixdragon February 23 2008, 14:14:24 UTC


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