
Feb 19, 2015 08:57

Hello LJ! I miss this place. Things are v.v. busy and rather stressful, but working through it. I have a new laptop (his name is Bash, because naming electronics after TV boyfriends is how I roll), and I realized that on my old one I had my friends filter bookmarked. Now that I'm on my new computer, um...how do I actually look at a filter? I can see where to edit the filters (I use one for people who are still active here), but I cannot for the life of me figure out how too actually see the filter itself! I'm sure I'm missing something incredibly obvious, but I clicked around for ages and I'm stumped. When I click on Friends Feed, there's no option for a filter.

LJ has made so many changes that I'm lost. Which makes me sad. This place is like a time capsule of the 2000s for me. Scrolling through my icons made me so nostalgic.

Anyway, help?

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