All hail the CW!

Jan 12, 2015 12:35

I'm so freaking happy Reign and Jane the Virgin were renewed!!

Love, love, love both these shows. Jane is a complete delight. I adore everyone, and especially Rogelio, whose earnest arrogance makes me laugh and laugh.

Over the hols I watched S1 and caught up on S2 with my BFF. I'd seen the first half of S1 and then gotten distracted. We super enjoyed it and I'm so happy it was renewed, since it was looking iffy. I love this show. Love the actors, love the characters (even Kenna has completely grown on me!), just love it. Our little Anne of Green Gables (aka Megan Follows) is so. much. fun. as Queen Catherine. “I don't carry poison everywhere. I might accidentally kill myself.” <3 <3 <3

Man, I was shocked Mary was actually raped! But I think they're doing it justice (at least so far). Kudos to Adelaide especially. I really like that they're calling it rape and not being coy or vague about it, and that Mary isn't just fine again in the next episode. I also enjoy that she burned that fucker alive.

Narcisse (sp?) is such a great addition to the show. At first I hated him, but god damn if he isn't really sexy and interesting, and I can't help but want to see him with Lola.

Bash remains my number one fave. I just adore Torrance Coombs (he's adorbs on Facebook, and oh, those EYES), and surprisingly really enjoy him with Kenna. I'm glad he's not pining over Mary, and that they put that to rest (for the time being, at least). And HOLY SHIT SURPRISE INCEST. I was not expecting him and his half sis to have fucked! (Or at least gotten intimate.) I love it, LOL. This show is not afraid to push the envelope.

I'll be really curious to see if they stay historically accurate and kill Francis. I hope not! I also don't want this show to end with Mary beheaded, so I'm Team Fuck History.

If it were a few years ago, I'd have so many Reign icons and be posting meta weekly. But it's probably good that my obsessive fandom days seem to be behind me. I don't have time for that level of engagement anymore! And I just can't get involved with Tumblr. So I'm be here making the odd LJ post every so often, and reading my flist. :)

random tv, fangirl alert!

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