Good Wife!

Jan 06, 2015 12:00

OMG THIS SHOW. That last ep was quite a rollercoaster ride. I was extremely tense, heh.

FREE AT LAST! CARY IS FREE AT LAST! My heart was just breaking for him as he tried to learn how to survive in prison. It was so unfair, and I was so relieved Other Cary figured out about the detective. Of course Kalinda has fucked herself, both with the fake metadata and owing Bishop a favour. Obviously one of these things will lead to her leaving the show. I predict she'll disappear into the sunset with a new identity. It'll break Cary's heart, but she was always going to break his heart.

Loved Alicia and Finn sparring, and her planting the kiss of victory on Steven Pasquale at the end. I love that she was so happy that Cary is free. Their friendship is my absolute fave thing that has evolved on this show. That Alicia is Cary's #1 most trusted person in the world makes me all:

good wife

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