
Feb 19, 2015 08:57

Hello LJ! I miss this place. Things are v.v. busy and rather stressful, but working through it. I have a new laptop (his name is Bash, because naming electronics after TV boyfriends is how I roll), and I realized that on my old one I had my friends filter bookmarked. Now that I'm on my new computer, um...how do I actually look at a filter? I can ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

_kirsty February 19 2015, 16:24:18 UTC
Hey! You can click on 'Friends' at the top of your LJ page, to go to the Default View friends feed. And then edit the url that appears in the address bar, by adding the name of a friends filter to the end of it.

So if I want to see a custom fashion and make-up friends group for example, say it's called 'fash', I stick the word fash onto the end of http://users.livejournal.com/_kirsty/friends/ in the address bar to see that filter.

If you don't want to do this each time, either bookmark it or create a link on your LJ homepage for each filter.

And if you can't remember what you called your friends groups, go to the Manage Groups page, where the names of your custom groups are listed in the 'Your custom friends groups' box under the standard LJ ones.

Hope that helps!


bigboobedcanuck February 20 2015, 14:13:57 UTC
Thank you! I'd actually tried that and it didn't work, but I just renamed the filter and now I've got it bookmarked. I feel like in the past there was a way to click on the filters to see them, right? I'm sure it was never tricky before. Not that this was incredibly difficult, but difficult enough, lol. I'M AN OLD WOMAN.


nutmeg3 February 20 2015, 04:07:23 UTC
You're here! Stay!


bigboobedcanuck February 20 2015, 14:14:59 UTC
Hello! I know, I hardly post anymore. I do read my flist every week. Man, I used to LIVE on LJ. How did I have the time??

How are you? Now that I can read my filter again, I'm sure I will find out. :)


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