Bones Fanfic: The Sun Will Rise (3/6)

Aug 16, 2011 20:17

Title: The Sun Will Rise
Author: biba79 
Disclaimer: Characters aren’t mine, they belong to Hart Hanson.
Pairings/Characters: Booth/Brennan
Rating: M
Summary: The jolting waves of pleasure, the utter acknowledgement of what they had denied themselves hit them like the sun was suddenly peaking through the clouds after hundreds of cold gray days. Season Six! Booth/Brennan.
Word Count: 3,336
Spoiler: This fic was written before ‘The Blackout in the Blizzard’ even aired. So, they didn’t have that heart to heart conversation at his apartment with the dates, and Vincent isn’t dead either. Just wanted to clarify that. But it is during the sniper arc.
Author's Note: Thanks to Jen (jsq) and Hannah (brainysmurt6) for the lovely help with this fic. Thank you Hannah for helping me with the title, that was the first time I ever had a problem with finding the perfect title. Song ‘The Sun Will Rise by Brendan James’

This is a birthday fic to my lovely and awesome friend Ren (sunsetdreamer). She requested a fluffly fic, and she knows how hard that is for me, and I did my best with it, so I hope she likes it. So, it might be a bit angsty at first, but it will be too fluffy by the end. I hope you have a wonderful birthday Ren, with lots of love, hugs and presents. Remember, the mob loves you!

Previous Chapters:  Chapter One - Chapter Two

A/N: Thanks for the reviews. You guys have been amazing.

Chapter 3

“So... hmm... since we agreed... if this is really happening... hmm...” Booth searched for a word to say what this meant but he was speechless.

“You should just shut up and kiss me again.” Brennan smiled at his stammering cuteness.

“Yeah...” He agreed as his lips focused his mind to right where it should be again.
“So, does this always happen when you think without your heart?” Booth asked looking down at a reflection of his own happiness resting in his arms.

“My heart had other ideas, it can be quite a rebel at times.” Brennan confessed confiding in him at last.
“Thank God!” He whispered.

“What about you Booth, you said you were with me?”

“I am with you all the way, Bones. You changed your mind. So naturally I had to follow your lead.” He quipped enjoying placing all the blame on her beautifully, wonderfully, exquisitely smart head.
His fingers played with hers resting against his chest. He didn't know if he had ever been this happy in his whole life. “What should we do now?” He asked without realizing he had laid himself open to a good tease.

“Well, Booth, if you don’t know the answer to that then I think we are in some real trouble...” Brennan’s tinkling laughter caused him to blush and become immediately flustered.

“You know better, Bones.” He admonished breaking away from their bodily contact a little more than she liked.

“If that’s the case, then why are you so far away?” She asked temptingly.

“Because you and I need to talk. I mean so much has happened lately, and I want us to be very clear this time.”
“Oh I’m clear.” Brennan assured him.

“Are you?” Booth didn't want there to be any mistaken impression about what this was, he knew them well enough to know that within mere seconds they could manage to fog up the clearest picture, screw up the most uncomplicated situation. He wouldn't let
that happen, not this time. Too many muck ups had cost them both way too much.

“Are you?” Brennan asked suddenly fearful.

“Yeah, Bones I am!” Booth moved towards her again, this time taking her hands in both of his. “I want more than just a kiss. I want you to know that up front because...”

Brennan’s smile told him they were finally on the same page, on the same day and at the same time. “How much more?” She asked teasingly.

“Bones, I’m serious here.” Booth wouldn’t let her joke about it. He knew she sometimes hid behind humor and lightness to alleviate any chance for pain. But he couldn’t let her, not now.

“I am too.” She mended her ways, realizing if she ever expected Booth to be forthcoming about his feelings, then she had to stop pretending this didn’t matter.

“So, this is real?” Booth asked again making sure.

“Really real.” She felt a little of the nervous tension coming out in her shaky voice.

“Are you okay with that?” Some of the doubts were creeping in, the fact he never felt he was good enough was all too hard to escape.

“Yeah, I’m better than okay.” Brennan’s own misgivings returned too, knowing that this might not last, it hadn’t so many times before. “Are you? I mean, are you okay?”

Brennan’s eyes flashed in panic.

“I’m so much more than okay.” Booth clarified quickly.

She smiled a little tentatively, afraid to trust this yet.

“Bones, I want to spend Christmas with you. That is if.... I mean you have a family now.”

“No. I don’t.” She told him a little more adamantly than she intended. “I mean... I have a family, but Max is going to spend it with Russ in North Carolina, and I just decided to stay here.” She was so relieved she had now. She knew she made the right decision.

“Really? So, nowhere else you have to be?” Booth asked.

“No, but you... you have Parker.”

“Oh... Well he’s going to spend it with Rebecca again. They are going to visit her family. With the case and everything I wasn’t really in the holiday mood. I thought I’d put a damper on everyone else’s.” His eyes shone with the idea of time alone with her. He
knew where and with who his Christmas would be. In fact he had never felt more in the Christmas spirit than he did right now.

“I thought you said this year he was going to spend it with you?” Brennan asked confused.

“He was, but I think this might be Rebecca’s dad last Christmas, so she wanted to take Parker there one last time, so I agreed. I’m getting him next year though.”

“Oh... so you?” Brennan grinned that gorgeous hesitant little girl look that said can-I-really-have-one-present early?

“Yeah, I’m free and you are too.” His eyes gleamed with anticipation.

“So, when you say?” She felt shy suddenly, which was ridiculous, because Temperance Brennan was not the shy type, but Booth thought was totally cute.

“I want to spend every moment with you until we have to come back here again.” Booth told her, leaving her no more questions about his meaning.

“Oh.” She answered feeling the joyous tug of the ribbons being pried from her biggest gift.

“Is that okay with you?” Booth asked wondering if he misread something.

“Yeah. It’s exactly what I want for Christmas.” She nodded smiling happily.

Booth laughed a short chuckle of relief. Whoa! He couldn’t believe this. He didn’t trust this completely because he knew they had a lot left to talk about, and he knew he couldn't just throw caution to the wind now. Booth had to open himself up wide and let her see what was in his heart, he had to give her what he had held back stingily in the past. He had to have her give that to him too.

They had so many unspoken things that need to be said. Booth realized at the same time that nothing would ever be completely spoken between them. Because so much of what he and Brennan were was almost elusive in nature. It was always there shimmering, but now they had changed everything. Now that they had scaled the fences, and the walls the silences between them were safe because they knew they didn’t deny it any longer. It was there; it had always been and would always be there.

“So, where to?” Brennan asked eager to get on with their private celebration.

“I don’t know. I think first we need to get away from here. I don’t want to hide us, Bones but tonight I don’t want to face a bunch of curious questions.” Booth’s eyes begged for her understanding.

“Me either. So, maybe I should go out there first and mingle and in a few minutes...”

“Bones. You know how to do this too well.” He said jokingly. “Yeah, that sounds perfect and then we can leave. I mean the party has to be winding down by now, right?”

“Okay then. I will see you in a little while.”

“Absolutely.” Booth pulled her back into his embrace. He kissed her hard and longingly wanting to keep her in the shelter of his arms. He felt very selfish about sharing her with anyone, and maybe he was just a teeny bit afraid that somehow her leaving this magical moment would abolish it and cause it to vanish and things wouldn’t stay the way they were. He wanted them this way and only this way.

Brennan’s hand caressed the back of his head. “Don’t be long.” She whispered that no longer secretive desire for him into his ear.

“I will be right there I promise. Wild horses won’t keep me.”

“There are not horses at the party, Booth.” Brennan teased.

“I meant...”

“I know, and I like what you meant.”

“Bones, are we ever going to talk in complete sentences?” Booth asked smiling contentedly with the idea of them.

“I hope not. I love the mystery.” She smiled as she walked out, she turned back one more time to make sure that he was not some apparition she dreamed up.

Booth smiled at her like a goofy lovesick teenager.

Brennan carefully joined the circle around Hodgins and Wendell, who were now boisterously acting out some exchange they witnessed between another intern and Cam.

Angela came up behind her, resting her chin on Brennan’s shoulder. “So, how long has this been going on, you and Booth playing CPR?” She smirked wisely in Brennan’s ear. The jerk of Brennan’s body knocked Angela’s chin back at the surprise that Angela knew sank in. Brennan stood straight and focused all her attention on Angela. Her eyes questioned. So much for being discreet.

“Looked like he was more than breathing the life back into you, in fact if I didn’t know better I would think you were flushed with afterglow but knowing you and Booth, I doubt either of you are adventurous enough to dare to do it with everyone peering through the door.”

For a moment Brennan’s eyes grew wide, her face blushed more at the thought that anyone had witnessed what had transpired between herself and Booth in her office.

Angela, being more compassionate than anyone gave her credit for and secretly thrilled with her little tidbit of information, was dying to share and quickly made amends. “Oh don’t worry, just tell me some details and I promise no one will find out, at least until Monday.” Angela joked, but deep down she would love to hear all the details.

“I’m sorry Ange. It won’t work, and blackmail is punishable, you could get eight to ten years easy.” Brennan said not letting even Angela get to her tonight.

“Oh come on. I saw you and Booth kissing. Too bad he didn’t borrow my mistletoe. Now tell me, what gives, besides your knees that is?” Angela asked a little too knowingly.

Brennan gave her a funny glance up and down and then quickly dismissed the silly idea that had entered her head.

“Ange, there isn’t anything you can say to make me tell you, and as for telling everyone, we have no intentions of hiding anything.”

“So you are fine with me making a general announcement now?” Angela asked teasingly.

Brennan was about to tackle Angela when the other half of the secret appeared at their side; she felt the glowing begin inside as his hand merely brushed her arm.

“What’s going on?” He asked a little curious as to why Brennan and Angela were whispering and exchanging funny looks.

“I don’t think you should be the one asking.” Angela told him, smiling with intent to irritate.

Booth’s brows furrowed.

“Don’t worry Booth, your little rendezvous with Brennan is safe with me. You know I can keep a secret, when I’m properly bribed that is.”

“Angela!” Booth hissed.

“Oh come on, at least give me exclusive rights to divulge to Caroline and the others. I can’t wait to see her face.”

“Angela. Behave.” Booth admonished her.

“Ah but you know me Booth, that’s never much fun, and it’s highly overrated.”

“It’s Christmas.” Booth informed her sagely.

“And that would affect my powers of gossip how?”

“You know Angela, peace on earth and good will towards men?” Booth answered, hopefully he just wanted the chance to get away and be alone with Brennan. After Christmas he would gladly endure the ribs and jibes, but this night was just for them.

His eyes implored Angela to have a heart located somewhere far away from her mouth.

“Oh okay. Go and get some good will.” She joked generously. “But all bets are off come Monday.” She warned them clucking her lips at them like a mother hen pushing her babies out of the nest. She felt the spirit of Christmas as she gazed at what she should
have known all along, her powers of observation must be slipping lately, they had been keeping her too busy working and she decided one of her New Year’s resolutions would be to cut back on that and go back to being nosy. After all she couldn’t risk being this far out of the loop again.

Luckily no one noticed their departure as the little one act play of Hodgins’ and Wendell’s had just caused everyone to burst into gales of laughter. They rushed to the elevator and stood side by side for a moment. They looked quite professional until the doors shut with a shudder. Brennan and Booth made a perfectly synchronized turn towards each other as their lips search out sustenance for the long journey to the first floor. Moans and mellow sounds filled the little space and if it were a glass elevator, no one would see them through the steam. Now it had all become so easy, they felt free again, free to touch, to look, to feel. By the time the elevator stopped again at its destination the two occupants had managed to loosen many articles of clothing that were cumbersome and tight. They smiled when they found no one below waiting to get on and because that last set of kisses was so good, Booth let the door shut before he pressed the red stop button. This elevator wasn’t going anywhere for just a little while longer as they resumed the hot passionate necking that had them rocking the elevator cables. They laughed a little embarrassed and flushed as they realized this wasn't quite the right place to pursue their happiness.

“Booth...” Brennan laughed, “As much as I like where this elevator is headed, I really think we should...”

“Yeah, it’s not built for speed or comfort, that’s for sure.” Booth agreed eyeing her ravenously.

“Do you want to come home with me?” Brennan asked a little shyly.

“I don’t think your place is a good idea.” Booth said shaking his head.

“Okay, then where?”

“Bones, how about my place? It’s clean and private, very private in fact.” Booth’s low sexy promising voice was luring her so much that they could be in a shack and it would be fine as long as it was only them. She nodded a tiny smile playing on her lips as her mind pictured them in just a little while making love, the heat was rising within her body as the image burned a trail of desire. “How about I go home and get things ready - You pack a little bag and I come and pick you up that way you don’t have to worry about your car?”

“I thought we didn’t care if people know?” Brennan’s eyes filled with disappointment.

“They get to have their eyeful, I promise come Monday no more cloak and dagger.” His head shook affectionately. “I’m not crazy to go along with keeping us quiet.” He admitted smiling charmingly, his admiration for her shining in his eyes. Brennan swallowed the gulp that hit her throat at those words, he sounded as though he meant it. She questioned him with her eyes, and his response was another deep passionate kiss she couldn’t help but enjoy and leave all the questions behind, as she found herself lost in his sweet demanding tender kiss that uncovered a little more of the mystery of Booth. She delighted in the idea that she was about to embark on a much more amazing journey with him than she had ever dared to imagine.

She knew now what she only hoped for all along was coming true. She felt the excitement of a child unleashed to run free in a toy store, she didn’t know what part of Booth to pick first. The world of Booth was again open to her and she wanted to travel to each and every destination unlocking his treasure and exploring his heart.

She wanted to know everything she didn’t know yet. There was so, so much they had talked about, but there was even more they hadn’t... and yes she wanted to make love to him desperately. She wanted to show him what he meant to her, to share all the tiny
moments and make new magical memories. Something inside of her felt the promise that this was indeed a beginning for them. Not something that would evaporate if she blinked but something that would become rarer and finer with age. She loved the idea of passing through time with Booth by her side.

Booth felt it too, this was it. He couldn’t believe that in one short day after almost more than a year of confusion and pain that she was here in his arms. He marveled that they had a future ahead of them, and they no longer had to look back at what was lost.

They had to talk and put all the misunderstandings and past hurts to rest. But then the world was theirs. She was his now. That in itself was totally unbelievable. He wasn’t going to be stupid about that anymore.

He had lost her once too often, he wasn’t about to let her go again. This was their time, their place. They were at the threshold of an opening door. They would walk through this time and make it to the beauty lying beyond. They would do more than put a foot
in to test the water this time; it was more than just a kiss. They were diving into it eyes wide open, hearts eager to find out where they would travel unafraid to make the trip because they both knew what it was like to stay behind. They held each other while leaning back a little to gaze lovingly.

“So you pick me up and then we...” She asked in a breathy voice.

“We celebrate. We have so much to celebrate this time, we celebrate the secret is out.” He paused on the ‘we’ with a big grin. “We are just starting...”

“Ah, so you did mean that.”

“Oh yeah.” Booth said finally pushing the button to allow the elevator to release them. They stepped out a little like two people who were walking on a cloud, their toes delighted in the feel of the soft fluffy happiness floating all around them.

They made it to the parking lot without kissing, but Booth leaned into her at her car, both arms held her a willing hostage as he nuzzled her neck, her hands caressed his face. The cold crisp night air did nothing to chill them as they were enclosed in that bubble of warmth radiating between their oh-so-close-at-last-bodies.

Finally Booth whispered. “I better let you go, or I will never get to pick you up.”

“Well, we can’t have that now.” She agreed as she kissed him one last delicious time before he released her safely into her car.

She lowered the window as they share another bunch of what Angela would call nauseatingly luscious kisses. “Okay, so how long again until you get to my place?” Brennan asked as he looked hopefully at his watch.

“Too long, Bones. Just go before I stop you.” He advised as he was too weak with desire to actually turn his back on her. He stepped back a bit as she gazed sweetly and temptingly into his eyes. She wondered if she could be trusted to drive, her knees felt like wet teabags, limp and useless. She hoped her feet had the wherewithal to push the pedals. How could she wait to get back to his place? She needed time to savor this.

He watched till her car turned out of the lot and out of sight as he began whistling, feeling totally on air. God he hoped she was happy about his plans because there was only one place he wanted to be tonight, there was only one place that was perfectly
right for this to happen. In his heart he knew it could only be with her.

fic: the sun will rise, fic: bones, tv: bones

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