Aug 24, 2011 20:09

EN-US">A/N: Thanks.. You guys are amazing.

Chapter 4

As soon as Brennan walked out of the elevator at her apartment building she noticed that Angela was standing in front of her door. She sighed; she really didn’t want to deal with this right now. “Angela, what are you doing here?”

Angela smiled, “I came to give you your Christmas present.” She said and shook the box in her hair.

“Why didn’t you give it to me at the party?” Brennan asked and she opened the door and they both walked into her apartment.

“Because I didn’t want to give it to you there, and I kind of forgot, and I wanted to give you before I left.” Angela said as she closed the door behind her.

“How did you even know I was even going to come home?”

“I guessed, and I was right, you are here after all.” Angela grinned at her.

Brennan decided to play a little with Angela. After all, she had to leave her with a memorable parting gift for playing in the I-matched-up-Booth-and-Brennan-sweepstakes.

“Hey, I didn’t expect to see you to be honest, I was just going to wait a little bit and then leave your present, but I’m glad I caught you.” Angela grinned from ear to ear, expecting to be hugged fervently by her grateful friend. Instead she saw Brennan plop down on the coach dejectedly.

Angela put the present on the coffee table and sat beside her best friend. “Oh no.” Angela groaned. “Don’t tell me he did it again? What did he do now? I thought, I mean I saw you and Booth at the lab, but from the looks of it you guys looked good. What in
the hell did he do? He deserves to spend Christmas alone.” Angela missed the mischievous grin on Brennan’s face.

“Actually, Ange I know for a fact that Booth will not be alone this Christmas.”

“How? Who? How dare he? What in the hell is wrong with him? Is the brain tumor back?” Angela asked concerned.

“Angela, calm down. It’s no big deal.” Brennan said swiping at her eyes.

“You are not just any woman. He should know that by now.” Angela’s defense of her almost caused her to cave, but no, she was having too much fun.

“I think he does.” Brennan said mysteriously.

Angela’s mouth fell open wider than the Grand Canyon as she realized she has been played. “Brennan!” She screeched, and Brennan stood.  She stepped back just as quickly as Angela didn’t know whether to throttle her or hug her.

“It’s really okay?” Angela’s eyes glimmered in tears. Brennan nodded her own, tears pooling at her eyes too.

“Oh My God! Merry Christmas!”

“I know. I never thought I would say this Ange, because you are a meddling person, but thank you.” Brennan’s arms opened wide again to hug Angela.

Then Angela suddenly remembered to be miffed. “Geez Bren, you nearly got your man brutally battered.”

“I know!” Brennan’s laugh filled with so much happiness that she felt she would burst if she didn’t have somewhere to shout it out.

“So he declared himself finally?” Angela asked, filled with insatiable curiosity at how well she had done her work.

“Well, declare is a strong word for Booth, but yeah. I think it’s definitely a close description.” Brennan’s joy was contagious. Angela couldn’t believe how glowing Brennan’s face had become. She was so in love, it was easy to tell.

“Damn, look at the time. I would love to stay and talk all about this but I have a plane to catch, and Hodgins is probably impatiently waiting for me.” Angela went for her coat then turned to hug Brennan again. “I’m so happy for you, Bren.”

“Me too, Ange.”


“Thanks.” Brennan said returning the hug. “Merry Christmas!”

Angela left slamming the door behind her. Brennan was glad to be alone to bask in thoughts of her happy future as she headed to the bedroom to pack. Angela’s present sat at the coffee table forgotten.


When she went to open the door she took a second to calm her quaking nerves. Why was she feeling so shy again? It was just Booth! She opened the door with a smile of eager anticipation on her face.

“Hey,” he looked behind her a little hesitantly. “The coast is clear?” Brennan had sent him a text to let him know that Angela had stopped by, and because of that it took him a little longer to come over.

“Yeah, Angela and Hodgins are probably flying by now.”

“Good. So, you all set?” Booth asked. He couldn’t wait now that he was here. There was no reason to dawdle. They had all night, but after so many lost kisses and near misses, it wasn’t nearly enough.

“Yeah,” he motioned to her bag sitting by the door. “Just one bag?”

“I decided I could travel light, besides I know you and your back prefer less.” She told him knowingly.

“For you I’d move a mountain, Bones.” Booth smiled indulgently.

She smiled, making her way through the apartment checking on the lights and the locks.

“Come here, and I’ll show you what’s on my mind.” Booth’s eyes smoldered in an oh so threatening to get her way.

“Yeah and you are way, way too much!” Brennan joked.

“Are you complaining already, Bones?” He asked, his eyes widening in mock shock.

“Well, yeah. I am. I prefer the silent type.”

“I’ll remind you of that the first time we fight, and I clam up.” He joked back.

“Booth, I think we’ve had a first fight already.”

“Well, that was then and this is now, and we are beginning all over again. Not that I want to forget a moment of before, because I don’t, but...” Booth’s eyes assured her it was true, he loved every minute of their past, not because it was all smooth sailing or because he wouldn’t do it all differently but because it was a part of who they were now and there were some awesome times. Times he never intended to have faded from his mind.

“I like the sound of our new beginning.” Brennan kissed him, and his lips opened to hers as they held each other. Booth’s fingers spread out to caress her back and hold her preciously against him. Her fingers curled around his neck and his silky hair, she ruffled it as the kisses velocity heightened and finally they again realized wrong place wrong time. If they didn’t stop this now, they wouldn’t ever leave.

They were in Booth’s car, and he turned towards her with a twinkle in his eyes. “I know. We have waited a long time, but the lights are so pretty this time of year, and I thought maybe you’d like to take a drive... maybe look at the lights?”

Brennan couldn’t help but be a little perplexed at his hesitation to go directly to his apartment, after all they had been waiting long enough, but then she realized that he was probably a little nervous too. It had been quite a road, and this sudden change was so much to fathom at once.

“Okay, sure. I love Christmas lights.” She told him accommodatingly. If Booth needed time, she could be patient. She had no doubts as to how this day would end and how the next would begin - for the first time in so long she knew and it felt so good to know.

He smiled happily at her answer and headed the car towards their destination. Brennan sighed contentedly as she leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. She could relax for the first time since... she couldn’t even remember it. She felt as though she could just lay back and let her life happen now. She knew each day was going to bring so much more fulfillment in just being true to what she felt. Booth glanced over at her satisfied smile and softly closed eyes smiling in happy contentment. He returned his eyes to the road but she felt them enough to open hers again. She looked at his beloved profile. She saw beyond him to the scenery passing by. He must have felt her increasing excitement too because he turned towards her slightly. Her smile became a full-fledged four-star grin.

“Booth what town are these Christmas lights in exactly?” She teased, her eyes glowing happily.

“I never said it was DC technically, or that the lights I was showing you were Christmas lights.” He admitted looking a little worried that maybe he assumed too much.

“Of course they’re not DC lights!” She smiled as she turned towards him sliding across the seat, her arms reached out to hug him and show him how totally thrilled she was. He embraced her with one free hand; seeing the look in her eyes he knew he was right.

“I want it to be somewhere special, not just our apartments. I know it’s a bit of a drive, but we have waited this long Bones. The first time should be special.” His eyes melted into hers for an instant as he maneuvered the road. But he had a hard time keeping his mind there as Brennan’s lips enveloped his ear in tiny little kisses designed to drive him crazy.

“It will be better, Booth, even better than we both expect. How did you know I wished we were going away too?”

“I’ve been wishing for it myself. So it was easy to know.” Booth revealed charmingly.

They kissed quickly and tenderly, and she realized she wasn’t making it easy for them to arrive in one piece.

“Merry Christmas Bones...” He told her softly. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Her smile beamed over him so brightly that oncoming traffic would probably find it blinding. But she didn’t care. He knew what made her happy, and he was going to make sure she was the happiest ever. She knew that they had things to talk about, but they could deal with all of that later. They would get all the kinks ironed out.

“So, where are we going?” Brennan asked curiously.

“It’s a surprise Bones.”

She accepted what he said and laced her arm through his and rested her head against his shoulder as they drove in companionable silence towards their destination.

A/N: I noticed that there is too much fluffy lately, should I bring in a little angst to make it more interesting for everyone?

fic: the sun will rise, fic: bones, tv: bones

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