Bones Fanfic: The Sun Will Rise (1/6)

Aug 10, 2011 19:07

Title: The Sun Will Rise
Author: biba79 
Disclaimer: Characters aren’t mine, they belong to Hart Hanson.
Pairings/Characters: Booth/Brennan
Rating: M
Summary: The jolting waves of pleasure, the utter acknowledgement of what they had denied themselves hit them like the sun was suddenly peaking through the clouds after hundreds of cold gray days. Season Six! Booth/Brennan.
Word Count: 1,647
Spoiler: This fic was written before ‘The Blackout in the Blizzard’ even aired. So, they didn’t have that heart to heart conversation at his apartment with the dates, and Vincent isn’t dead either. Just wanted to clarify that. But it is during the sniper arc.
Author's Note: Thanks to Jen (jsq) and Hannah (brainysmurt6) for the lovely help with this fic. Thank you Hannah for helping me with the title, that was the first time I ever had a problem with finding the perfect title. Song ‘The Sun Will Rise by Brendan James’

This is a birthday fic to my lovely and awesome friend Ren (sunsetdreamer). She requested a fluffly fic, and she knows how hard that is for me, and I did my best with it, so I hope she likes it. So, it might be a bit angsty at first, but it will be too fluffy by the end. I hope you have a wonderful birthday Ren, with lots of love, hugs and presents. Remember, the mob loves you!

The sun will rise, the sun will save me
The sun will change me, change the way I feel

The day will make this hard of fortune
From the fruit of a hundred orchards
From the water rivers bring

The sun will rise, the sun will save me from the night
The sun will change me, change the way I feel
I've had enough of the hard and harder
Times are tough
I've drifted farther, farther from myself

I won't dwell, baby, on my failures
It won't help, baby, it won't bring changes
I won't run, baby, when all I want is to run
I won't forget the morning sure to come

The sun will rise, the sun will save me from the night
The sun will change me, change the way I feel
The love I want, the love I need is sure to come
Is sure to lead me, lead me home again

The light is low, the night is burning
My head is still, but my mind is turning, turning round again
If only I could make it through this lonely night
If I can do this, if I can drift away

Then the sun will rise, the sun will save me from the night
The sun will change me, change the way I feel

Chapter 1

The Christmas party was in full swing at lab.

Booth was standing by the window looking on with pride. Hodgins had broken the case, and Booth’s life felt more secure than it had in weeks.

He found Brennan amongst the eclectic crowd. Whose idea was it to invite everyone from the Jeffersonian and the Hoover? He laughed inwardly. Poor Brennan, she was cornered by at least three of the weirdest Jeffersonian donors. He was glad at least none of her former boyfriends had made an appearance. How could he have ever let her near those losers? No, he had to protect her at all cost.

He smiled as his eyes took in her animated chatter, her hands moving so descriptively. How he loved those hands, the slender, graceful fingers that nurtured him in so many ways. For a split second her eyes seemed to connect to his. There was that unexplainable jolt that passed invisibly though the air, sizzling like a live wire. He felt sad as he remembered their last revealing conversation. He felt as though the stars had all flown from the heavens the night she said that she made a mistake and regretted how she had turned him down. He hadn’t allowed himself the luxury of basking in the self-pity that threatened to envelop him with her words. He couldn’t afford to dwell on it.

A blur of red flashed before his eyes as he remained focused on Brennan. He didn’t see an insightful Angela approaching. He didn’t feel her sympathetic gaze or her shaking head until she spoke, which nearly caused him to jump out of his skin.

“Yeah Booth, take a good hard look because you might not be able to look much longer,” Angela said softly and pointedly.

“Excuse me?” What the hell did Angela want now? He liked her as a friend, but damn her, couldn’t she just say what she meant once in a while instead of talking in threats and innuendos?

“You know Booth, it’s true. You saved your ass today by catching the sniper, but I think you may be losing something much more valuable,” Angela said in a warning voice. Brennan would totally kill her if she knew. But Angela didn’t care, it was time for those two to wake up and smell the mistletoe. If she had to lock them in the room and throw away the key, she would do it. Some things couldn’t be left to chance, because the chance Brennan and Booth would ever get their act together was disappearing as fast as the spiked punch at this totally weird party.

“Angela, are you playing scrooge today, or is this your normal Christmas Spirit?” Booth asked. He was irritated that she was now interfering with his Brennan gazing.

“I could put coal in your stocking, that’s for sure. You deserve it.” She sneered taking a swig of her wine.

“Okay I give, what did I do?” He asked as his eyes gazed assuredly into hers. “What the hell do you want Angela? What am I about to lose that is more valuable than my cases?” Booth hated himself for biting but whenever Angela got under his skin, he couldn’t help it.

“Brennan. You are about to lose Brennan,” Angela said very gently. Her eyes looked into his knowingly. “Look Booth, you can deny it till you die, but I know. I have seen you looking at her like she’s an unwrapped present. Well, maybe unwrapped is wrong, but you know what I mean.” Angela smiled snidely.

“Bones and I...”

“Oh save it...” Angela hit his arm impatiently. “If you don’t swallow that ignorant pride of yours, you are going to lose the best thing that ever happened to you.”

“Where is all this coming from?” Booth asked aggravated beyond belief. Leave it to Angela to come along and spoil his perfect day. Of course, earlier when Brennan had asked him if she could bring a date his day wasn’t on a path to greatness, but in the next moment she alleviated his fear by saying she had no one to bring. He had just about blurted out a ‘be mine’ when she asked him if he was bringing a date too. He managed to say no, but his mind was so confused by Brennan’s mixed batch of signals. He remembered being distracted by her new outfit. He knew that she could have been wearing a flour sack, and he would be distracted, but could she look any sexier or smile any more invitingly?

“It’s coming from Brennan!” Angela confirmed the suspicions in Booth’s head.

“Okay...” Booth’s tone became more serious. “What did she say, Angela?”

“She said that she is planning to leave.” Angela took another sip of her wine for fortification. Any conversation with Booth required heavy inebriation.

Booth’s eyes widened as his throat constricted. This couldn’t be true he decided, dismissing it as just another one of Angela’s more stupid practical jokes. “She’s not going anywhere!”

“Oh no? Well, Booth contrary to your high opinion of yourself, women can tear themselves away from you, especially when you are too damn dumb to see what’s right in front of you. She wants to quit The Jeffersonian. She’s already looking for another job,” Angela hissed as she decided once again this man was impossible.

“She wouldn’t leave, especially without talking to me first,” He denied softly, realizing there was nothing to keep her there. He didn’t have any claim to her, or any reason to believe she wouldn’t go. He had never considered she would do it. He made her his partner for God’s sake and then she asked him if they could still be working together that night on the steps. How could she think about leaving now?

Angela was smiling widely as she saw the effect her words were finally having. Good she thought satisfied, let him digest that he was not the end, and that his own end was imminent if he didn’t find a way to get over himself and see what was painfully obvious. He was every bit as in love as Brennan was, and he would be more lost than normal if he let her exit his life. Angela saw the desperation in the darting chocolate eyes bouncing from her to Brennan and back to her again.

“She would,” he concluded so sorrowfully that Angela actually felt a rush of understanding; she realized how hard this was for Booth to admit.

“Yeah, she would.” Angela agreed softly. “You can’t keep doing this to her, Booth. You have to tell her.” Angela prodded him gently. “God, I have known for ages; how you two don’t know is just ridiculous.

” Booth was barely listening to Angela. Everything about how it would feel to lose Brennan, lose her for real, was coursing through his mind and his body. “Shut up.” He said rudely to Angela as his body made the move first, not really having any idea what he was doing as he made a beeline for Brennan.

Angela stood there watching him, both amused and angry. “You are welcome, Booth. Anything I can do to make your life complete.” She grumbled, smiling begrudgingly as he reached Brennan’s side interrupting her little admiring circle without so much as a nod of apology. He had finally decided to stake his claim. It was about time. Angela patted herself on the back for being a friend in a million for the millionth time.


fic: the sun will rise, fic: bones, tv: bones

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