I`m sorry it took me so long, but I did them! If I got any info wrong or you don`t like them, let me know. (Gin is hard to look up, trust me...or at least in Japan he is.)
It's all her fault. Well, I did ask for something else to do other than Bikou/Tsuba drabbles and now...here it is. All 9 pages of glory. And did I mention it's !crack!?
...And I only have four to go. Two were owed a long while ago. *hides head in shame* Egads, I do great with the offers for gifts and favors. It's just the actual finishing them up that's the problem. I've started a lot of them (even if it's just in my head) but the actual typing them out and editing them to where I like them, well...that takes a
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Huzzah! I felt bad for little Tsuba. Momo's my second character and was getting all the limelight...but I was talking to Ki-chan and got inspired. Here's a little drabble about chibi-Tsuba and her good ol' Uncle Kensaki.