spn_j2_bigbang: Films About Ghosts (master post)

Jul 02, 2012 00:45

a Supernatural gen fic by bellatemple
with art by sophiap
written for spn_j2_bigbang

Rating: R
Word count: ~22,000
Warnings: Violence, bondage, torture, one instance of nonconsensual sexual contact (kissing), angst
Summary: A Winchester mind can be an incredibly dangerous place. Dean has always known that, of course, but he didn't know how bad it could be until he was neck deep in a subconscious wilderness, surrounded on all sides by ghosts of enemies and friends alike, each with their own agenda. All Dean wants to do is find Sam -- the real Sam -- and get out.

| Art masterpost |
| Chapter 1: The Road | Chapter 2: The Mountain | Chapter 3: The Desert | Chapter 4: The Wall |
| Notes and acknowledgements |
Alternate formats: | AO3 | DW | PDF | EPUB |

rating: adult (non-explicit), genre: drama, type: fanfiction, challenge: spn_j2_bigbang, fandom: supernatural, length: multi-part (completed), fic: films about ghosts, genre: hurt/comfort

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