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Comments 12

deadflowers5 July 2 2012, 14:22:09 UTC
Downloaded from the AO3, thanks for the link!


bellatemple July 2 2012, 14:28:09 UTC


frost July 2 2012, 20:01:05 UTC
I've downloaded the PDF; thank you! =)


bellatemple July 2 2012, 20:07:10 UTC
No problem. I hope you enjoy!


xcziel July 5 2012, 05:03:04 UTC
Just wanted to let you know that there's now a Collection set up on AO3 for this year's Big Bang entries, in case you'd like to include your fic!

Here is the 2012 SubCollection of the Supernatural and J2 Big Bang Challenge post on the archive.

You can just click on 'Add to Collections' from the 'Edit' page - or there are instructions for posting at the profile page also!

P.S. If you know of any BB authors/artists looking for an AO3 invite, there's a request post set up at omgspnbigbang to help out!



(The comment has been removed)

bellatemple July 19 2012, 00:25:43 UTC


etrix July 19 2012, 00:19:39 UTC
I originally bookmarked this because sophiap has stepped in to be my pinch hit artist, but then I read it and now I'm going to keep it.

This was wonderfully bizarre and hurty and twisty and sad. So many of the images in his mind are things I can totally see being there.

Wonderful read. Thank you!


bellatemple July 19 2012, 00:24:52 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you gave it a shot and enjoyed it!


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