Fic: Mercy (1/1)

Sep 07, 2012 02:57

Title: Mercy
Author: bellatemple
Rating: Teen
Warnings: [Animal death]Animal death: a goldfish, [Violence against an animal]Violence against an animal: a dog, moderate language
Author's Notes: Written for lies_unfurl at spn_summergen for the following prompt: Preseries: John finds an old dog and because he can see that Dean and Sam really do like it (however much Dean denies it) he takes it on the road with them. I had to alter it somewhat, as I really don't see the Winchester lifestyle as working that well for an older animal, but I hope this works for you, anyway. With much thanks to my betas, claudiapriscus and maisfeeka. Links directly to the summergen copy for simplicity.

Summary: John takes care of Dean and Sam. Dean takes care of Sam and John. All Sam wants is something that he gets to take care of. A Winchester history, as told through pets.

( It started with a goldfish )

length: one-shot, rating: teen, genre: drama, genre: hurt/comfort, type: fanfiction, challenge: spn_summergen, fandom: supernatural

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