The *real* Beldar

Oct 13, 2008 11:36

As promised, I'll reveal the true answers to last week's poll questions:

1. What's my middle name?
When people see "L" they usually guess Lee, but it is Lyle (after my maternal grandpa). "Danger" is a good guess, but it doesn't start with L.

2. Where am I originally from?
Arkansas. I make no secret of being an Arky, but newer friends might have been tricked by the fact that I live in Indy and frequently post about Hoosier foolishness.

3. What did I want to be when I grew up?
A DJ! Since I knew my rock-star dreams were too much of a longshot, this was my sensible compromise to be as close to the music biz as I could manage. This was before I actually grew up and realized how little radio jocks actually earn. These days, you have to have sound-engineer skills, be an expert at matching beats and mixing, and play the turntable and other components like musical instruments themselves. My hat's off to those guys.

4. How did we meet? You know...

5. What's my preferred cocktail?
Since I first started ordering them in the Enlisted Club way back in my Army days, I've always had a fondness for the tequila sunrise. (Nice song, too) Rusty Nail was my trick answer, as I don't like scotch (but do like bourbon, go figure). Close second on the poll is shrimp cocktail, especially as prepared at St. Elmo's Steakhouse -- it is the true "St. Elmo's Fire." Never had a Gargleblaster, but have had a few versions of Romulan Ale.

6. What's my favorite kind of music?
While raised on country/western with schoolmates who played bluegrass, I am Mr. Eclectic. Answer was "all of the above"

7. What's my favorite Broadway musical?
While I'm not gay, that was not the answer. And I don't like Phantom of the Opera. I do like Cats and Lion King, but my favorite is Godspell.

8. What on this list have I NOT eaten?
This is tricky, because any discussion of an animal around Arkansas folks inevitably brings up the phrase, "Them's good eatin'!" The response to this question reminds me that I should post sometime about the Gillett Coon Supper. Mudbugs is another name for crawdads or crayfish, and I've had those. For a "beat Baylor" rally at the U of A, students (of which I was one at the time) were treated to a tidbit of bear meat. I do enjoy the sushi, including the raw fish. One of these years we will actually get to attending the Indiana State Fair, where I may finally enjoy the deep-fried candy bar.

9. Are you a "huggy" person?
Yes. But if you're not, that's OK, I won't just throw myself at you.

10. Thanks for putting up with this bit of ego-stroking, which is a common part of quizzes such as these. And yes, I DID really like writing my own answers. =)

Throwing out the responses to 4 and 10, the ones who got the most right were fibro_witch  and the_dark_snack  with 7 of 8. halfwaytocrazy  and anjala  each had 6, my sister ambwilson  had 5. Anj is a good real-world friend, Halfcrazy is related to me and I live with Snack, but F-Witch was a pleasant surprise since we have never actually met. Big thanks to all who participated; I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

poll, theatre, faq, arkansas, quiz meme, friends, meme

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