here we go

May 31, 2011 23:06

I worked today and I had to go down to the nurse's station a few times today, walking past the LDRP where Abby spent most of her life, and the room where I waited while they worked on her.  Then tonight, I had to recert my CPR.  It isn't as bad as doing NRP, but doing CPR on a baby doll, especially right kind of awful.

When I wake up in the morning, it will be June.  As the years have passed, it doesn't knock me off my feet the way it used to, but I can feel the memories, as if they're part of my body.

Five years.  2011-2006 really is 5 years, right?   It doesn't feel like it should be possible that it's been that long.

I tweaked a poem I'd found years ago and sent it to our local paper for next week.

"In memory of Abby

June 10, 2006

We remember her when flowers bloom

Early in the Spring

We remember her on sunny days

In the fun that Summer brings

We remember her in the Fall

As we walk through leaves of gold

And we remember her in the wintertime

When the days are short and cold

But most of all we remember her

Each day right from the start

And she will be forever near

For she lives within our hearts.

Forever loved and dearly missed,

Love Mommy, Daddy, Kim, Julia & Charlotte"

Forever and ever....

abby, poem, newspaper, calendar dates, ptsd, grief

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