we interrupt this babymoon for a picture post!

Jun 23, 2007 12:50

Thanks to my *brilliant* computer-techy SIL who suggested a card reader, a sleepy baby, and the willing arms of Jack and Kimberly, I give you The Birth of Charlotte!!!


As soon as she was born, I sat down on the floor

Calling my mom to share the news!

I held the phone so my mom could hear her breathe and squeak

Once the cord was cut, I handed her to Jack

Charlotte put on a big pout when she was weighed.  
I guess no girl likes to see those numbers on the scale ;-)

First cloth bum!

First mommy milk

A 3 am birthday party

Finally giving Kim and Julia a turn ;-)

Getting dressed to come home

Fluffy fuzzy butt !!

The baby toes !!!!

After about four hours of nurse, burp, fuss, swaddle, nurse, repeat....

charlotte, birth, pictures, home birth, abby's gift

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