(I started this entry early this morning then LJ booted me out just as miss farty-pants was waking up.)
I went back this morning and unlocked a few private entries I made while I was in labour. No time for the whole birth story yet, but soon!
Last night went well. Jack's family left around 10 pm, I got myself ready for bed and put the birth linens in the wash to soak in cold water. Jack had been holding Charlotte and when she fell asleep he put her on the couch, wrapped up tight in her blanket. She was still sleeping there in the dark when I finished filling the washing machine and when I walked into the room and saw that sleeping bundle on the couch, my heart started pounding. She was sooo still and her face looks like Abby when she's sleeping. I was afraid to even check to see if she was breathing but as I bent over her, she scrunched up her face. Ah, Charlotte, it's you. I left Jack in charge of Charlotte and I went to bed.
I woke up at 12:30 and jumped out of bed, wondering where Jack and the baby were. Jack was sitting on the couch with Charlotte in his arms; she had started to wake up and fart a few minutes before but had gone back to sleep. Her diaper was dry and clean so he just let her sleep. I went back to bed expecting to be woken up in the next half hour, but when I woke up just after 4 am, I panicked! That's too long for her to be sleeping and not nursing, grateful as I was for the sleep! Jack was stretched out on one couch and Charlotte on the other, both sound asleep. I went over and unwrapped the baby to wake her up. She opened her eyes but didn't seem to show signs that she was hungry so I checked her diaper - just the tiniest bit wet but clean. As I held her, she just looked around but didn't want to nurse, even when I tried to latch her on. I peeked in her diaper again and she was pooping. Ah, I see. When she was done, I changed her diaper and we sat down to nurse. BTW, it's *fun* putting those cute, fluffy diapers on her little butt and my gifted wetbags from
birthingway are *so* great! I think I need to wash a load of diapers today :-D I'm sure the novelty will wear off but it's kind of fun right now. I think we'll try out the preemie prefolds today too.
(updated this afternoon)
Charlotte has done nothing but nurse and fuss since about 4:30 this morning. I was able to have a shower and make myself a sandwich while Kim walked and rocked Charlotte, so that was great! Kim was more than happy to help out - she is really enjoying her baby sister. Julia has been back and forth playing with her friend all morning and keeps trying to invite people over to see the new baby. I told her no and she asked why not; I told her that as soon as I was able to close up my nursing bra for more than 5 minutes, she was welcome to have visitors over!
My midwife is coming to see me this afternoon and she is very happy to hear that we are both doing so well. I might weigh Charlotte today just because I'm curious, but I know from all the dirty and wet diapers that she is doing great.
And, I'm trying to figure out a way to download my pictures. My family members are desperate to see her, although if I can, I'll post some here too. I'm off to find a card reader to see if that will work on this borrowed laptop, then I can hopefully get some pictures out to everyone! Otherwise, I'll have to pack up the wee babe and go visit a friend's computer for an hour tonight. Cross your fingers ya'll, and maybe there will be pictures to see by tonight!