Narnia Drabble: "And they sing the same old song"

Sep 07, 2008 18:55

Wee! Another drabble! I need to get a life... for 100foraslan prompt - raindrops (song). I should be studying, but... I can't focus on that right now.

Title: "And they sing the same old song"
Author: Me
Beta: hotfruits
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Edmund, Mrs. Pevensie, Mr. Pevensie, (Lucy)
Pairings: (implied) Edmund/Lucy
Warnings: (implied) incest, lots of angst.
A/N: Post-Prince Caspian, movieverse. Sequel to "In a town that's cold and gray" Edmund's 17. English is not my native language, so if you see any mistake, please excuse me.
Summary: After returning from Narnia, day in and day out... Edmund chooses the easy way out.


The very moment Edmund set foot at home -after he arrived from his pleasurable weekend with Lauren- he noticed something was wrong.

He walked into the living-room, just in time to see his mother sobbing quietly; his father was hugging her, a helpless expression on his face.

Mrs. Pevensie cried when she saw him and started to ramble about something he didn’t quite understand at first, but then, realization hit him hard.

“Where’s Lucy?”

Helen cried harder. “She’s gone!”

“Gone?” he croaked and froze for an agonizing moment.

“She ran away, son, and we don’t know why… She only left a note, asking us not to worry about her,” his father said.

Edmund, feeling hurt and confused, picked up the note from the floor.

What he read made him want to cry.

The rain fell over them, soaking their royal clothes, but they didn’t care; Queen Lucy smiled and King Edmund couldn’t help but smile back.

He ran upstairs and into his room, locking himself in; he grabbed the stuffed lion Lucy had given him for his twelfth birthday and fell onto his bed, trying desperately to hold back his tears.

“Do you love me, Edmund?”

Her message was still running around his mind.

“Yes, I do.”

She was sorry.

“Will you always love me?”

Why? She shouldn’t be.

“Of course I will.”

She didn’t break their promise…

“You promise?”

…didn’t let him down.

“Lucy, for as long as I live, I will always love you, that I promise.”

He did.

“I love you, too, Edmund. And for as long as I live, that won’t ever change, I promise.”

He broke their promise, he let her down…

~I’m sorry, Edmund.

…he had been the coward.

“No, Lucy, I’m sorry… but I can’t be as brave as Peter is-I can’t.”


Remember!! Comments are love...

Edit: 10.22.08

character: mr. pevensie, ff: narnia - movie!verse, character: edmund pevensie, themed comms: 100foraslan, rating: pg-13, ff: narnia - pc, ff: drabbles, fandom: narnia, ship: edmund/lucy, character: mrs. pevensie

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