Narnia Drabble: "And they sing the same old song"

Sep 07, 2008 18:55

Wee! Another drabble! I need to get a life... for 100foraslan prompt - raindrops (song). I should be studying, but... I can't focus on that right now.

Title: "And they sing the same old song"
Author: Me
Beta: hotfruits
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Edmund, Mrs. Pevensie, Mr. Pevensie, (Lucy)
Pairings: (implied) Edmund/Lucy
Warnings: (implied) incest, lots of angst.
A/N: ( Read more... )

character: mr. pevensie, ff: narnia - movie!verse, character: edmund pevensie, themed comms: 100foraslan, rating: pg-13, ff: narnia - pc, ff: drabbles, fandom: narnia, ship: edmund/lucy, character: mrs. pevensie

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Comments 4

jadehaku September 8 2008, 02:12:16 UTC
Wow thank you for adding to your great story! The angst keeps on going deeper and deeper (Edmund still loves Lucy ^__^) I just can't get enough of this story, very well written. My fav part was the flashback in the rain, very romantic. Looks like ed is pullin' a Susan on us (No Ed, turn back to the light!LOL)


ayumi_nb September 8 2008, 02:47:39 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you like it and, though P/S is my OTP in the Narnia fandom, the more Ed/Lu I write, the more it gets close to Peter/Susan.

The flashback actually was going to be just the dialogue, but then I thought "no, something's missing" and, right I was, with out a concret place, the flash back wasn't going to have the effect I wanted. And the rain just seemed to fit in there, making everything more pure.

Ahh, and don't worry, Edmund is not going to join the dark side, but he's gonna angst a little bit.

Maybe I'll make a sequel for it.


jadehaku September 8 2008, 06:31:51 UTC
Yes sequels are very good, very good indeed ^__^ It'd be a travesty not to continue. That rain scene truly fit with edmund and Lucy (good call).


ayumi_nb September 8 2008, 17:52:05 UTC
Okay, I'll think of a sequel then, a happy ending or a possibility of a happy ending.


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