Fanfic Masterlist

Jan 01, 2020 00:00

So.  I have more fics than I thought I did.

For the sake of organization, I've made a masterlist.  Feel free to poke around, if you like.  I've included abbreviated summaries, ratings, genres, warnings and a few other labels I've found relevant (...sick!Dean) along with the links.

( pre-series, series)
Star Trek (2009)
Harry Potter



Swish-Thud (implied eating issues, mild self-harm (bruising)): Whatever lets you sleep at night.  Dean deals.  PG-13, Gen, Angst, 284 words

Untitled (none): Sickie Dean stays home with Daddy.  sick!Dean (cold/flu)  G, Gen, Schmoop, 436 words

Cereal Box Prize (off-screen vomiting): Decoder rings are for sissies.  sick!Dean (stomach flu), PG, Gen, Humor, 242 words


Untitled (none): Dean's sneezing his face off.  sick!Dean (cold/flu), PG, Gen, General/Humor, 460 words

Mincemeat (none): "Not with total voice loss, but with ridiculous, croaky, squeaky voice, cranky Dean, mocking Sam, deadpan Cas." sick!Dean (throat thing) PG-13, Gen, 2199 words

Patients Are Dicks (none): What it says on the box.  hurt!Dean, PG, Gen, Humor, 54 words

Все больные - придурки: Russian translation by the awesome wayward_jr  (alternate link)

Soft as a Baby's Bottom (none): Dean's sleepwalking. PG, Gen, Humor, 354 words

Demon Blood, Sweat and Tears (none): Dean had a seizure; Sam wasn't there. PG-13, Gen, Angst, 3348 words
( part 1)     ( part 2)

Star Trek

So Easy To Grow, Even Jim Kirk Can Do It (none): Some traditions never die.  Unless you flush them down the toilet. G, Gen (but in my head k/s), Humor

at length did cross an albatross (discussion of past child abuse, WIP): The Enterprise's crew is forced to relive their darkest memories. PG-13, Slash (K/S), Angst/Drama
( part 1&2)     ( part 3)     ( part 4)

Harry Potter

Manipulation (writing quality none): Draco Malfoy is looking for someone...PG, Slash (well, sort of.  H/D), AU

To Do:

One Shot WIP

- Sam, therapy (h/c bingo)*
- Sam, cold (ohsam prompt)*
- Dean, cold (ht prompt - mittens)
- Dean, cold (dog shirt)*
- Dean, toothache*
- Dean, canker sore (wtf, IDEK. LOL)*
- Dean, antibiotics allergy (ht prompt)
- Dean, Pure O (ht prompt)
- Dean, MENSA
- Dean, photokeratitis (ht prompt)
- Dean, cold - weechester*
- various prompts from the 'again but with colds' meme

( * = more than half done)
Barely started/not started yet, but planned
- Dean, seizure (time stamp)
- Sam, embarrassment (h/c bingo)
- Dean, de-aged (physically ht prompt)

Really need to get my ass on these
- Chapter 5 of ALDCAA *

fic, spn fic, writing

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