Rory, who had quietly been reading and catching up on email in her room all day after the excitement of the day prior, glanced up when her computer made that distinctive purring noise from her Gmail notifier.
SUBJECT: RE: Sad to have missed you...
You were here and you didn't even drop in to say hi? And then you didn't even email until the NEXT WEEK?
Whatever. I've been busy with activities and prep for Harvard anyway. How many extracurriculars are you involved in, anyway? I have twenty-three this summer.
- P
Rory stared at the email, and
wrote a reply back.
SUBJECT: RE: Sad to have missed you...
Sorry! I was busy spending time with my
getting very drunk, and generally being
tormented by Richard and Emily. And then when I was back, I was kind of happy to see my
boyfriend again. We kind of don't
deal well with being separated.
Call us clingy. But he's going home at the end of summer. I think it's okay if we kind of cling a little. And we just hit
six months. Longest relationship since Dean.
And speaking of Anakin going home, I got to go visit his galaxy yesterday, and we went for two days except thanks to time paradoxes, it was like an hour Earth time. And I
met his
terifying superiors, and
flew a
And they have the most beautiful
library, even if I couldn't read almost any of it. And I taught the
children there a Barry Manilow song.
And getting out into the city was incredible. It was *so* beautiful and scary and awesome. I
met basically their equivalent of President of the galaxy, and I went
shopping, too, and bought the most *gorgeous* dress - which I then wore
out while getting very
drunk that night.
But not so drunk that I didn't get to have
breakfast and have an alien hit on me. Always fun.
Anyway. As for extracurriculars - I'm running a summer newsletter, and I was yearbook editor...oh, and I picked up fencing again.
Anakin sparred with me the other night, and yes, before you ask,
In any, you're doing TWENTY-THREE things this summer? When do you sleep?
- R
Paris's reply came in a matter of
SUBJECT: RE: Sad to have missed you...
Look, Gilmore, I don't have time for stories about your LSD trips. And you are way, way behind if you want to get into Harvard. They look for driven people who have a lot going on, not girls who are all about the drugs and nonstop sex with their cultish boyfriends.
Good luck catching up.
- P
Rory narrowed her eyes before sending a
SUBJECT: RE: Sad to have missed you...
First of all, whatever, it's not drugs, but you're not going to listen.
Secondly, I'm incredibly busy this summer. Mom is about
ready to burst, plus there were some issues at a
school-wide event yesterday.
And thirdly, I'm thinking about going to Yale.
- R
And then she shut her computer after writing that, and stared at it.
She had actually written the phrase. It was real, and she was serious.
She took a few deep breaths before going over to her still-mostly-unpacked bag and pulling out the Yale literature and beginning to leaf through it again.
[OOC: Door's closed, but open to anyone who wants SP, as I'll be heading to bed soonish]