watching the "avant to everyday" episode this evening i realized i am officially sick of hearing heidi klum say "as you all know, in fashion one day you're in and the next day you're out". get a new catch phrase project runway. jeez
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woke up tuesday at noon. worked noon-7. couldn't sleep monday night. passed out around 1, woke up at 3, worked 4am-1:30pm, making me late for the eye docs
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oh, aubri. why do you sleep till 2? because you usually work 5-3? but didn't you know you'd have to be at work at 9am? you did. you still slept in? bad aubri
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huh. remember how i came stumbling home friday night at, like 3am, all drunk and whimsical. it was because i had forgotten i was supposed to be working at 5:45am on saturday
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