Well, once it got started anyway.
I went to bed far too late, mostly due to deciding to kick things off on
OKCupid again. I figure there's very little to lose, and thinking about new friends and potential new lovers should get my mind off lingering on Amanda. Anyways, so I went to bed around 6am.
Then Amanda failed to prod me awake at 11am, as she'd fallen back asleep, so we eventually left the flat after mid-day to go and get chores done.
First off was going to the letting agents for this place, to give notice, inform them of her name change, and ask for a reference (she'll have to get her new agents/landlord to contact them directly).
After that we went back to Woolwich to inform the council about the change in circumstances and end of tenancy.
Then a leisurely trip around Sainsbury's to pick up some necessary things and a bunch of other stuff, including a couple of missing ingredients for me to cook a chili this evening.
That's now simmering away. My bog standard veggie chili other than using Jalapenos instead of chili powder. I've no idea how strong they are in comparison, but did what Raven agreed is a suitable amount, and we'll check it part way through the ~1 hour of simmering.