(no subject)

Sep 05, 2008 06:39

Who: Lee Adama and [Open!]
What: Apollo arrives.. and has no idea where he is.
Where: The Ravine
When: Early morning - just after sun-up.
Why: Because he ran out of fuel.
Status: In Progress
Rating: Probably PG - PG13.

Kara Thrace was a reckless (and recently delusional) pilot. She rarely had respect for the rules and she certainly had no respect for the laws of physics. Giant swirling black hole of doom, which could have likely sucked in a small planet - something you’d want to avoid, right? No. Not Kara Thrace. She’d flown right into the damn thing, after some imaginary Cylon; imaginary, of course, because no one else had seen it, nor had it show up on their screens. The Ghost Raider. She’d flown right in after this ghost and she’d never come out. Her viper had exploded and taken her with it.. or so Lee had thought. Following her stupid show of defiance, the CAG had reported no suit. No ejection. Nothing. And as he had been turning back for the Battlestar, he’d noticed something out of the corner of his eye.. a glint. The glint of light off of a shard of metal? A shard of glass? A helmet? The helmet of Kara Thrace? His mind had believed what it wanted to believe.. he hadn’t seen light refracting off of one of the glimmering pieces of metal from the wreckage of the Viper. No. He’d seen light bouncing off of the perfectly in-tact helmet of the Viper’s pilot. He was sure of it. And with a shout into his communicator about having seen her, he was turning his battered Viper around and heading for the wreckage, heeding the cautionary words of his father, his Admiral, for him to be careful not to get too close. He had followed those warnings, until he got close enough to see Starbuck’s in-tact helmet.. except it wasn’t her in-tact helmet, it was merely a piece of debris, as his mind had first identified it. This realization caused his strong jaw to tighten and blue eyes to narrow down. His mind ran to a thousand places. She could be floating further away, the blast could have thrown her away from the sucking hole-or it could have thrown her into it. Or it could have blown her into little pieces. At this thought, Lee closed his eyes tightly, and it was only the sound of his father’s voice, shouting at him to pull up that finally broke him out of his daze. But by then it was too late and no matter of pulling up was going to get him out, and seconds later, Lee Adama followed Kara Thrace into oblivion.

And ended up in Canada.

It felt much like a Jump. There was a lurching feeling in his stomach and he felt ill for a brief moment before the feeling passed and he was able to look around through his canopy at the world below him. Where was he? He could see grass.. and a town below. Lee might have flown in to take a closer look, but it was just then that his Viper shook a little and he turned blue eyes down onto the gauges between his knees. One stuck out like a sore thumb. Bingo fuel. Could today get any worse? He cursed as he began wrestling the heavy ship to the ground, it was much harder to fly a ship designed for space inside an atmosphere. But after a few moments, he came to a rocky landing on the ground, having dropped the last feet like a rock, thanks to his then complete and utter lack of fuel. After landing (crashing), he checked himself over to assure he was okay, then was opening the canopy and looking around.. there was a sun.. there was grass.. trees.. hopefully that meant oxygen. He tapped the meter on his arm to check his own air before unstrapping, standing up, then stepping out onto the wing to be able to hop onto the ground. A second look down at his meters verified that there was indeed oxygen in this air, so he was lifting gloved hands to remove his helmet after gasping for air.. but he let it out then took in a breath of the air around him. When he didn’t choke to death, he turned to set his helmet down on the wing, looking over his viper briefly before looking towards the other ship, which looked like it had crashed much harder, only about a hundred feet away, then back towards the town. Where was he?

remus lupin, kara 'starbuck' thrace, *status-complete, lee 'apollo' adama

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