How did I get here again?

Sep 05, 2008 14:48

Who: The Doctor (open)
When: Today!
Where: The Ravine
Rating: PG
Status: Open

The Doctor was losing his mind. He wasn't meant to stay in one place for so long. He was meant for the stars, for travel and adventure, not sitting in Canada being domestic. Sure, he'd said it was time to settle down when it came to taking care of the Master, but he'd imagined it all a bit different. They were supposed to fight their way across the universe and back, safely confined in the TARDIS of course, but still, they would be doing something.

He sat cross legged next to the device in the ravine, attempting to make sense of the markings yet again. The fact that the TARDIS wasn't translating them meant they were beyond old. Older than old. Older than older mold that had gotten old then older.

The Doctor took off his glasses in frustration and made his way out of the cavern, his hair and jacket covered in dust and dirt from exploration of other passages. Why was there never an alien invasion when you needed one? A peaceful invasion of course. More of a, "So sorry, we mistook you for some one else, we'll just be on our way," kind of invasion. Not the Sontaran type of invasion, those never ended well, but he wasn't opposed to say, a fluffy bunny invasion.

Sighing, he began climbing his way out of the ravine.

the doctor, dr. horrible, ianto jones, *status-complete, tex, moira byrne

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