(no subject)

Sep 04, 2008 22:01

Who: Maxie Jones and anyone that wants to jump in. :)
What: Stranded.
Where: In front of the bakery on Main street.
When: Early evening.
Why: Her car is a piece of crap.
Status: Open.
Rating: I guess pg-13. Maxie has a potty mouth. XD

“You’ve got to be kidding!” Maxie groaned, slamming one foot of her Jimmy Choo’s onto the ancient breaks of the dying car. After shifting the gear from drive to park, the blonde fidgeted with the manual lock and handle before side kicking the inside of the door with her knee. Once the door swung open with a loud creak, and she stepped out, into a wad of chewed gum, a gust of smoke rose from under the hood of the nineteen eighty three Dodge and into Maxie’s face, leaving the young woman to choke on her series of cuss words with her hands swatting the smoke around to clear away.

“I knew this car was a piece of crap.” Too angry to think before she acted, Maxie hurled her foot at the driver’s side door of the dead Omni and made contact; hard. “Son of a whore!” Snatching up the injured foot in one hand and leaning her back against the slightly dented door, Maxie briefly wondered why the car couldn’t make it another few blocks and then die?! Slipping the shoe from off her foot and ignoring the gum that clutched onto the sole like a dying man for his last breath, small fingers worked at the bruised toes just as the fainted thump of something dropping on top of her head. “Please don’t let it be…” Letting go of her foot, Maxie allowed fingers to roam through the short strands of highlighted blonde hair for inspection and found what she feared, “Bird shit.” With a high pitched cry, she hurled the nearly six hundred dollar a pair shoe blindly into the air. Seriously, if this was just the start of her new beginning, then to hell with it! Port Charles didn’t seem so bad after all.

maxie jones, lulu spencer, *status-complete

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