Mission is coming up. Sai, Sachiko, you're coming along. Meet me and Shikako at the east gate in two days, 0900 hours, for a brief before we go. Expect to be gone for a while, so pack accordingly.
Inosuke: It's good you've finally managed to move out of your parent's place. Just don't do anything I wouldn't do. (Not that that's a lot, but whatever.) <3
Hanato: Thank you for letting me see Kawamaru. Kumi was both very appreciative and very annoyed that the nurses won't let him out sooner, but he'll survive. ( private to Hanato )
Last few days have consisted of alternatively bothering Kureno or the Inuzuka heir, Hanato, at the hospital. Both are pains in my ass (I'm gonna smack one into a coma if he doesn't stop whining about needing work and go sic that 60 year old crotchety nurse on the other if he doesn't stop talking about all the pretty ladies that keep visiting him).
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I'm feeling neglected by the rumor mill lately. Why did I have to actually talk to Tsurude-sama to get any information on what's going on around here? That's sad, people. As a respected jounin of this village of course I do not condone the act of gossip, but we need to have a better network of information going on around here, you know what I mean
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