Dear Yuletide Author!

Oct 08, 2017 12:06

Dear Yuletide Author, thank you so much for writing for me! Mainly, write what comes to you, and I will be happy. Please no gore or horribly sad endings!

The Witcher, Geralt, Emhyr

As allies, as enemies, as lovers, anything, as long as you give them to me brutally competent in their own spheres and respecting each others' abilities (or coming to do so). I also welcome any other characters from Witcher 3, Ciri and Dandelion are my especial favorites, and if you can figure out how to make a threesome with Yennefer work, PLEASE DO.

Dracula: the Series, Alexander Lucard

I would love Lucard and any other character either from the show or elsewhere that you can think of to mash him up with interestingly. A list of possibilities off the top of my head: Lacroix, Lucifer, Methos or Amanda, Holmes, Tony Stark or Natasha, Kenneth Irons, Merlin, Johnny from the Dead Zone, historical figures, I'm here for it! I would love to see him competent and ruthless and facing a power he can't ignore or control.

Dungeons & Dragons Cartoon, Eric the Cavalier

This is one of my perennials because I never get enough! I would love Eric on his way to paladinhood (possibly kicking and screaming the whole way there), I'd also love Eric paired with pretty much any of the characters.

Maybe a story about them getting home, and Eric becoming a paladin in OUR world, and having to make a choice to go back? I'd be interested to see him devoting himself to a real-world religion he was raised in (that he and his family possibly didn't take seriously) rather than to a Realm-based deity.

(And as I write this, it occurs to me that Eric could be Jewish--I'd love to see him as a Jewish paladin! I don't see any reason he should kvetch any less just because he's got faith. :D But I totally understand if you don't feel comfortable writing that idea, so don't hesitate to give it a miss.)

Dragonriders of Pern, Menolly, Robinton

I would love Menolly/Robinton if you can do it. I'm a fan of the good old "fire lizard mating flight made them do it" trope, but I'd also love to see Menolly deciding what she wants and asserting herself a bit more to do it. If not, I'd also love a story about Menolly having some kind of Harper adventure. Please no Menolly/Sebell, thanks (except if it's in the context of an overall Menolly/Robinton story in which case do whatever you want). I would also slightly prefer if you stick to the canon of the original Harper Hall trilogy and the original Dragonriders trilogy -- if you have some burning idea using AIVAS or something else out of the later canon go for it, but the tone of the later books feels so different to me, and they don't live in my heart the same way.

Dune, Paul Atreides, Feyd-Rautha, Stilgar

Paul is such a fascinating character and his power is equally fascinating. I would love a story that plays with it more, the way it sets him apart from humanity. You don't have to use either Feyd or Stilgar specifically, they just feel like interesting points of contact.

One AU idea to spark you: if the Harkonnens hadn't killed Paul, if eg the Baron had been quietly forced by the Emperor or the Bene Gesserit to take Paul into his own house--I'd love a story about his power growing in that hostile environment, and how the people who see it react as this terrifying power swells out of their midst when it is a direct threat to them rather than a power aimed at their enemies. I can totally go to a Paul/Feyd place if you want to.

If that doesn't spark you, maybe a story from Stilgar's POV seeing Paul's powers grow over the course of the period in the book on the way to the moment when he takes the Water of Life.

One big request: please NOT the disgusting caricaturish Harkonnens of the movie if you use them, I prefer the far more compelling ones of the book.

Rome, Octavian, Pullo, Vorenus

I was so disappointed in the way the show handled Octavian in S2. I loved young Octavian and his perception and brilliance, and then it felt to me like they decided to tell a story about how hot and awesome Mark Antony was (not wrong), but to make his fall more tragic, they turned it into a struggle between him as a kind of representative of pleasure and passion and Octavian as a weirdly repressed creep who made a bunch of stupid decisions and then won just because.

All of which is to say: tell me a different story about Octavian as a young man? Anything you like, as long as Octavian is competent and thoughtful and thinking of Rome and the future. Feel free to ignore canon and history too for that matter.

If that doesn't work for you, I would also love a Pullo/Vorenus story (doesn't have to be slash but yay if you can) set basically any time in the series. Optimistic ending preferred.

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fanfic, yuletide, dungeons & dragons cartoon, dracula, witcher, rome, dune, dear yuletide author, fandom

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