Nov 21, 2017 16:33

In the last six weeks I have written about 60K of pro fic and 200K of Transformers fanfic because that's how things go around here. *clings to firehose blasting in all directions*

Anyway I have not let myself actually post any of this fic until I finished my book, because I could not afford the time to sit around refreshing comments like one does, and so I now have four basically finished stories and I offer a ticky poll in case you would like to help me decide which one to post first, which I get to do because I finally delivered my manuscript whoo:

View poll: Which Story First!

PS: I am lying, tbh what I seem to actually be doing here more or less is retelling Those Who Walk Away From Omelas, except with more explosions and giant robots having sex, which I think no one can really argue doesn't represent a significant improvement over the original.

Anyway, I have a lot of feelings about Transformers and here they come! Fair warning. :P

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fanfic, transformers

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