
Mar 25, 2017 20:27

Reader, I am really fucking tired. *insert long tedious explanation of the past week involving hospital, fainting, copious vomiting (different days, different family members), family visit, 3 playdates, and ending with my current location in hotel room in Disneyworld*

Everyone is okay now but OMG.

HOWEVER I am actually here to share this vidding zine what lim made, which I was so thrilled to participate in:


I think it is really quite awesome and full of interesting and joyful and fannish thought in the very best way. My own contribution was to rave on about
sisabet's vid Bad Romance, which spoiler alert is one of my most favorite vids and if you want to know why GO LOOK AT THE SHINY.


You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth (

vidding, fandom

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