Dear Yuletide Author, thank you so much for writing for me! Mainly, write what comes to you, and I will be happy. Please no gore or horribly sad endings!
Coming to you from the HBO panel discussion at muskratjamboree:
premium_blend is for those of us who love any of the awesome small-fandom shows on premium cable like HBO and Showtime. It's often hard for a fandom to coalesce around these shows because fewer people have easy access to them and because of those evil year-long hiatuses they like to inflict on us, not to mention
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Many thanks to cesperanza and melina123 for beta. (Also, this is totally Melina's fault.)
Occasions (2,799 words) Antony/Cicero, explicit No one ever accused Mark Antony of letting principle stand in the way of pleasure.Antony was drunk the first time he cornered Cicero, up against one of the pillars in Dolabella's house. The party had only been going a short while
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