SUCKER! You got pwned by a nerd. That's the most funny way to be pwned.
Of course there isn't a Google Tax! The only real tax we have to pay is the Ironing and Bleaching Tax. It makes sense when you think about it. The government needs to keep track of how much starch the nation is using.
And butter. Butter seems more Welsh, and without the green tint, less likely to stain. Though you could always enjoy the fetish angle of using something with "virgin" in the name to smooth the way for the old rumpy pumpy.
One might suspect how you afford such nice suits on the egregiously low pay of a Torchwood employee, Mr. Jones. Who, exactly, collects the Ironing and Bleaching Tax from the team?
I collect the ironing and bleaching tax, naturally, as I am the one who irons and bleaches (well, Rhys does his share, so Gwen gives him fifty percent). It goes to national upkeep and the parks and such, I'm sure.
I know about the Wikipedia Tax. The pop-up reminder from Tosh makes me sad. I still put coins in the jar though. I assume you're putting the change in an envelope and mailing it in every month?
Goodness, why not just tell her to go to the Food Processor and say, "Autochef, please make something for my entire family that we will all enjoy and benefit from"? Left to its own devices, the average Food Processor will almost always produce a nice roast beast with a side of starchy tubers. And a green salad.
They are still eating chicken in the 21st century? Wow, when does the PLAID (Poultry Liberation Army-Irradiated Division) start its actions? Hopefully there's a good century still to go. I'll check the timelines later.
Comments 188
Tosh charged me £23.50 for my fairy research.
What did she spend it on, blowouts?
Of course there isn't a Google Tax! The only real tax we have to pay is the Ironing and Bleaching Tax. It makes sense when you think about it. The government needs to keep track of how much starch the nation is using.
Then again, wouldn't! *laughing at self*
Also, that tax maybe how Tosh afforded those gorgeous Tiffany diamond earrings. MYSTERY SOLVED!
The wikipedia tax is still real, though.
I collect the ironing and bleaching tax, naturally, as I am the one who irons and bleaches (well, Rhys does his share, so Gwen gives him fifty percent). It goes to national upkeep and the parks and such, I'm sure.
I tathe testheth!
I'mth sthickingth ith outh!
They are still eating chicken in the 21st century? Wow, when does the PLAID (Poultry Liberation Army-Irradiated Division) start its actions? Hopefully there's a good century still to go. I'll check the timelines later.
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