Is what I get for not writing daily. They always end up in a pile of random lulz.
I guess first would be about the old HK news of Sho's AFWAC Aflac CM from AnJ...OMG I still can't get over it. They called him 翔仔 xD! I mean I would've expected 櫻井 or at the very least 小翔 if they were to go first name basis... but NO. It's 翔仔!! That's soooooo
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I'm petpeeved for obvious even biased reasons... but vent is vent. Baby face is about the FACIAL FEATURES. It is NOT about whether they look younger than their age or not. Link 1 | 2 | 3
I'll rest my case and continue to facepalm at comments @arama.
Below are my final projects for Maya class and illustration class. x_x;; not say I'm really satisfied with the results, but..... ah well. Sometimes one just have to move on. For more images, please visit my blog.
My priorities are so mixed up;; with the tidepool light comps due on Thursday and Metr quiz Friday and Paris stuff to worry about. I wonder why I didn't utilize my spring break better.
For Fanime's contest, which is due this Friday. Not gonna make it ;__; SOB.
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