Random fandom talks

May 13, 2011 19:29

Is what I get for not writing daily. They always end up in a pile of random lulz.

I guess first would be about the old HK news of Sho's AFWAC Aflac CM from AnJ...OMG I still can't get over it. They called him 翔仔 xD! I mean I would've expected 櫻井 or at the very least 小翔 if they were to go first name basis... but NO. It's 翔仔!! That's soooooo colloquial Cantonese. Pretty much as equivalent to "Sho-chan" as you can get; there's a cute/little connotation or sense of familiarity to the way they called him. Now I wonder how they call all the other members xDD

Next, think I really need to get it off my chest publicly to leave it alone.

  1. So ever since last month, HnA has been reduced to pair segments, like VIP Limo, rather than all five of them. I'm basically having issues with all the complaints from fans how they wish it was all five of them again and how the new segments suck etc. etc. I can see how the first episode would've been at disadvantage since the HnA Spring SP was so grand and elaborate. But it's been five weeks, and some are still going "They're still doing pairs? omg I want all five to return! wtf is wrong with TBS." Not only that, but complaining that under the pretense that "TBS is running out of creative juices, so they reduced it down to pairs doing outdoor shooting." And then the negative comments get bandwagoned.

    I'm just dumbfounded as to how fans can even complain about the changes in the Japanese entertainment industry after what happened on 3/11. Is the mere fact we get to see them safe and sound for the shows not good enough of a reason to enjoy them? Were it under any other circumstances I might see the complaints justified, but obviously it's not. They need to reduce cost and energy, and among all three of their current shows, HnA is the only one that allows any type of outdoor shooting at all. In addition to small efforts for Japan's relief, the boys also got their own individual schedules among other internal reasons we don't know about. Radios, CM, possible dramas, editings, individual activities, etc. etc. The shows don't just produce themselves. With an amount of potential content comes the equal amount of manpower and time slots to make it happen.

    I've watched all of the episodes w/ the pair segments so far and got equally entertained, especially the Yama episode♥. It is refreshing to see them outdoor just doing lots of normal "every day" activities and the interactions as pairs. Wasn't that kinda their gimmick before in their older shows? If I need to be honest, the only segment that didn't work was Ara-Theatre, not because it's in pairs, but simply because it's too similar to the Marionette segment. Frankly, I can digest fans thinking the segments aren't working in terms of a variety show, but not without considering the current situation and not giving them a chance just because they're in pairs and keep wishing they'd return back to things they were. Well, things aren't and will never be the same as before.

    Finally... COME ON! On the SAME DAY there is VSA where we can see all five of them anyways! PLUS Shiyagare on Saturday. It's not like we lack that much of dosage.
  3. And other things unrelated to the above is... I have issues when fans call Jun "hime/princess", especially how it bandwagons in this fandom. Consistently used both in fanfics and in crack. Very annoyed. I don't care if fans so-call call him that "out of love", because it's so one-dimension and it's like saying all there is to him is being bitchy or diva or pansy or whatever. He grew out of that phase, ppl, move on. In fact, the recent him just shows the man grew so freakin much.

So yeah. Just need to vent out.

Finally, preordered the DOME DVD and new album both online and in stores ♥ Let's see whether the stores will be able to get the First Press and Limited. :P And OMG drama rumors. I would love for the Jun and Ohno war drama to be true, and if it is, and Sho makes a cameo (Karute promo, anyone?!), my soul will fly away in bliss for ot3 reasons 0~~8D! That'd also make my previous dream partially come true xD Ah well... too many things coming in at once.

Plus coming in a homerun w/ the semester w/ projects... and then Fanime. GAH. Anyways, outro to this random entry.

rant, arashi

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