School, PoR, CNY

Jan 24, 2009 20:42

So school started on Thursday. It felt nice being goofy while it lasted, and I knew returning to school meant crankiness, but not THIS fast =__=

Gonna mass post.

Apartment issue:

Same housemate, the one who's repeatedly used our stuff without permission, bring her loud, obnoxious party who she's practically housing the apartment for (yes, I did not rant about this before, but since last semester's finals week, her party has been staying overnights), smoking indoor, and has no respect for any of us. If I have to live another semester like this, I probably would go insane.

She got a new roommate, an international student from Korea named Lyn! Even cooler, she watches Supernatural and House too! Her English isn't fluent, but she is soooo sweet, and my heart dread for her to have that housemate as a roommate. We instantly became friends. She has already listed to me practically every mishap she's experienced from her roommate that I have experienced, and it's only the first week!!! Ms. Parasite and her friends don't even have the common sense of treating an international guest, but nope. It's indecent language, loud rap music, and practically taking over the room that belongs to Lyn. She does not deserve this, and I'm doing everything in my power to make sure Lyn at the very least gets a room change (and best the justice we deserve). Mind you, I did file my room change request form already. Whether they actually grant the request or not is totally another story. Knowing the lame housing office, as they've given the lame answer of "It's hard to change rooms at this point," I have a feeling the changes are slim. The coodinator and RA don't even seem willing to help..... but I'm not giving up. The best justice is if they kick Ms. Parasite out.

You know, finding strength to stand up for others seems so much easier than standing up for yourself.....


MW 10:30-11:45AM: ANTH140 Human Sexuality
MW 3:30-6:20PM: ART51 Maya
TTh 12-3PM: ART113B Tidepool (painting class)
F 9:30-12:15: METR 112 Global Climate Change

And then I work MW and F.

Okay, this can easily be summarized by the following: (1) After looking at just a few of my peers' winter sketchbook, I want to bury myself; (2) I'm starting to waver about the Paris trip because my research has hardly budged; (3) Five of the people in the program are also in the METR class. In a way it's discouraging cuz I would've liked "room to breathe" for a non-art class. Where is the drive to work hard I had last semester?

Path of Radiance rant:

I JUST realized the "Change Unit" option before I start a battle T________T;; I thought the party you start with is the party you have to fight with, and that made no sense to me at all during Ch.11 and 12. Then it finally occurred to me I had to have Lethe/Mordecai with me in order to recruit Zihark, whom I resetted my file for HOURS for, trying to recruit him but keep failing. And now I overwrote my old Ch.11 file!! or2 *sigh* I so wanted him to join the group... There goes my perfect file without a strategy guide........ Ike, you're so obstinately charming XD Where did that come from?

B-but on Ch.15 now, and the laguz kings/princes are so slkjfldsj WAHHH *_*; Gah, I'm already slashing so much... so bad, but there's some fun spark going on between Naesala (sexy), Reyson (pretty), and Tibarn (manly), and my mind is just rotten. Great, the story is reaching a very suspenseful part, and I won't get to play it often during spring.

新年快樂! Happy Ox Year!
I went to SF's Chinatown today since no one's home this weekend. I always feel so at home in SF's Chinatown, and it's been a while since I went to its Chinese New Year festival. My uncle, who works there, drove me home. dgm_allenwalker your card came just on time! >3< Thank you so much!

san_francisco, rant, housemates, fire emblem, new year, fangirl

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