May 2012 be a good'un for all of yez.
Signing on/off early this year - long story but BF and family who weren't coming to visit for New Year dinner now are, but won't be leaving Canberra till late evening (after 10) which means getting here about 11, yet not staying for the night - silly buggers - so it looks like the Midnight Post (and Traditional Skinny Dip) will have to wait till 2012. Ah well. Thanks to her we are starting the year with a Clean House, something much rarer than we'd like to admit.
Spent last 2 days re-laying garden path, then had to rush around getting our Just Got Home From Etc shitpile into something suitable for visitors with small children. Which means putting this somewhere safe:
...right out of the way. Ain't she a beauty? found her all unexpected-like in the middle of the paddock today, all on her own. Quite uncharacteristic - we usually just get (what I now know to be called) Yellow Stainers :)
Am approaching her with skience, as you can see :) doing spore print overnight (and one on a YS for Nollidj). Thinking... Amanita something, perhaps? Fleshy, musty sort of smell, "skirt", firm thin woody hollow stem which discoloured to yellowy-brown over a few hours when cut, top going a little yellow now (a few hours after beheading)... growing in grass/daisies, no noticeable leaf litter but a bit of cut grass mulch lying about, maybe 10 metres away from conifers. No others like her around; only YS and the usual complement of leathery black-gilled field mushies, as yet unidentified (see pics below).
Growing in clay/conifer litter, brown, irregular shape, leathery/wrinkly, stem and gills as shown - gills seem fragile - varying sizes, stem seems to discolour to mostly black with age. Didn't pick this one up for a spore print - should have, eh. Maybe tomorrow :) there were lots.
Also one YS growing under acacia, lots of leaf litter etc.
Now finding place out of 2yo reach... I can just see Newest Niece getting all hands-on with these... probably putting them in Daddy's tea...
White with a tinge of yellow for the possible Amanita; brown for the YS.