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Comments 37

thekayla March 29 2010, 00:59:27 UTC
Name: Kayla
Age: 18
Location: Michigan


Favorite Characters: I like everyone pretty much equally... well, maybe Archer a bit more than everyone else.
Favorite Pairings: N/A
Favorite Episodes: All of them. xD
Favorite Archer Quote: "Do you wants ants? Because this how you get ants!"


Other Fandoms: So many. Mostly video games, but I watch quite a bit of stuff on TV too. (Everything is in my profile, for those curious.)
Other Favorite Characters, Pairings: Again, too many to list.
Favorite Books (because, television is NOT our only addiction): Anything by Robert Ludlum. The Stand by Stephen King. Harry Potter. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (and pretty much anything else by him). The list goes on.
Favorite Movies: District 9, Moon

What am I gonna find on your journal? Mostly fandom-related posts, the occasional ranting about college or other life-related stuff.
Friends locked or no? Yes, mostly. Memes, fics and some fandom posts are public, but everything else gets locked.
What's your friending policy? As ( ... )


blackmamba_esq March 29 2010, 01:02:58 UTC
Name : Rejena
Age: 30
Location : USA


Favorite Characters : Archer, Lana, Malory
Favorite Pairings : Archer/Lana, Lana/Pam
Favorite Episodes : Skorpio and Skytanic
Favorite Archer Quote: Anything that starts with "Lana," and ends with "Danger zone."


Other Fandoms : Merlin, Ugly Betty, Psych, Fringe, Eureka, The Good Wife, Supernatural, Southland, Joss Whedon World, Private Practice, Doctor Who, Mad Men, Being Human, Spooks, Flash Forward, X-Men, Batman, and a host of others.
Other Favorite Characters,Pairings : Arthur/Gwen (Merlin), Daniel/Wilhelmina (Ugly Betty), Laurence/Adelle (Dollhouse), Jack/Allison (Eureka), Sam/Castiel (Supernatural), Emma/Scott (X-Men), Storm/Gambit (X-Men), Emma/Storm (X-Men), Bruce/Selina (Batman), Demetri/Zoey (Flash Forward), Master/Ten (Doctor Who) and more...
Favorite Books (because, television is NOT our only addiction: All kinds. At the moment The Shining by Stephen King.
Favorite Movies : Kill Bill Vol. I & II

What am I gonna find on your journal? My personal journal ( ... )


dreaming_faerie March 29 2010, 03:00:43 UTC
I actually managed to get your 'favorite Archer quote' ringtone. :')


blackmamba_esq March 29 2010, 15:33:30 UTC
Really? Oh, that fantastic :)


menageohthree March 29 2010, 01:09:58 UTC
Name :AJ
Age: thirtysomething
Location :Missouri


Favorite Characters : Pam | Lana | Archer
Favorite Pairings : Pam/Lana
Favorite Episodes : Mole Hunt | Honeypot
Favorite Archer Quote: "You're so gay you practically sneeze glitter."


Other Fandoms : Supernatural | Criminal Minds | Dexter | True Blood| The Tudors| Spartacus: Blood and Sand| RDJ
Other Favorite Characters,Pairings : N/A
Favorite Books (because, television is NOT our only addiction: Patricia Cornwell novels
Favorite Movies :The Shawshank Redemption | The Godfather | The Silence of the Lambs

What am I gonna find on your journal? Me rambling or ranting about something.
Friends locked or no? Yes
What's your friending policy? Friend me and I will friend you back.
Any communities you'd like to pimp? ontd_downey
Anything else?:
Thank you for your time.

... )


djkiwi2576 March 29 2010, 01:40:04 UTC
Seriously your love for Mr. Downey only makes me want to squeeze you.



menageohthree March 29 2010, 02:00:34 UTC
Isn't he adorable? Adding you, thanks :0)


djkiwi2576 March 29 2010, 02:01:59 UTC
He is precious. Okay...I shall friend you back :-)


djkiwi2576 March 29 2010, 01:30:56 UTC
Name : Ki or Nikki
Age: 33
Location : The Deep South - South Carolina


Favorite Characters : Lana, Archer, Mallory, and Pam
Favorite Pairings : Lana/Archer and Pam/Lana and Mallory/Archer's Russian Papa (his name escapes me at the moment)
Favorite Episodes : Diversity Hire - Skytanic - Skorpio - Job Offer - Heck all of them including future episodes of Season 2
Favorite Archer Quote: Anything Archer says...especially when he's misguided and believes the world revolves around him


Other Fandoms : Iron Man (newly renewed love), Star Trek, Criminal Minds, Bones, The Vampire Diaries,Southland, JUSTIFIED, Flash Forward, Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Big Love...I really could go on and on and on
Other Favorite Characters,Pairings : McCoy/Uhura, Bonnie/Damon, Tony/Pepper, Buffy/Spike, Demetri/Zoey...again on and on here
Favorite Books (because, television is NOT our only addiction: anything by the following authors - Currently catching up on my James Patterson crack, Nick Laird, David Benioff, Jane Austen, Ray ( ... )


phantomess27 March 29 2010, 01:44:29 UTC
Name : Charamy (Char, if it suits you)
Age: 23
Location : Florida


Favorite Characters : Lana, Archer, Pam (she needs some lovin'!)
Favorite Pairings : Lana/Archer, the idea (maybe) of Krieger/Pam
Favorite Episodes : Diversity Hire, Skorpio, all of 'em!
Favorite Archer Quote: "This... got really dark." and "Danger zone."


Other Fandoms : Glee, Arrested Development, Firefly, Kushiel's Legacy, 30 Rock, apparently other TV shows and things I can't recall for some reason. Wheel of Time, if anyone else still reads those. Gaiman novels, too. And ahhh, video games. But without money, well. :\ But eh, Final Fantasy VII, Ace Attorney Investigations, etc. OH. AND Spartacus is a new one.
Other Favorite Characters,Pairings : Mal/Inara, Phedre/Joscelin, Phedre/Melisande, Jack/Liz (IDK)
Favorite Books (because, television is NOT our only addiction: As stated, Kushiel's Legacy, Wheel of Time, anything by Neil Gaiman, have dabbled in the Terry Pratchett series, love-but-not-deeply-entrenched-in Harry Potter, etc.
Favorite Movies : ( ... )


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