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thekayla March 29 2010, 00:59:27 UTC
Name: Kayla
Age: 18
Location: Michigan


Favorite Characters: I like everyone pretty much equally... well, maybe Archer a bit more than everyone else.
Favorite Pairings: N/A
Favorite Episodes: All of them. xD
Favorite Archer Quote: "Do you wants ants? Because this how you get ants!"


Other Fandoms: So many. Mostly video games, but I watch quite a bit of stuff on TV too. (Everything is in my profile, for those curious.)
Other Favorite Characters, Pairings: Again, too many to list.
Favorite Books (because, television is NOT our only addiction): Anything by Robert Ludlum. The Stand by Stephen King. Harry Potter. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (and pretty much anything else by him). The list goes on.
Favorite Movies: District 9, Moon

What am I gonna find on your journal? Mostly fandom-related posts, the occasional ranting about college or other life-related stuff.
Friends locked or no? Yes, mostly. Memes, fics and some fandom posts are public, but everything else gets locked.
What's your friending policy? As long as we've got some interests in common, I'll typically accept a friend request.
Any communities you'd like to pimp? Nah.
Anything else?: Nope.


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