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phantomess27 March 29 2010, 01:44:29 UTC
Name : Charamy (Char, if it suits you)
Age: 23
Location : Florida


Favorite Characters : Lana, Archer, Pam (she needs some lovin'!)
Favorite Pairings : Lana/Archer, the idea (maybe) of Krieger/Pam
Favorite Episodes : Diversity Hire, Skorpio, all of 'em!
Favorite Archer Quote: "This... got really dark." and "Danger zone."


Other Fandoms : Glee, Arrested Development, Firefly, Kushiel's Legacy, 30 Rock, apparently other TV shows and things I can't recall for some reason. Wheel of Time, if anyone else still reads those. Gaiman novels, too. And ahhh, video games. But without money, well. :\ But eh, Final Fantasy VII, Ace Attorney Investigations, etc. OH. AND Spartacus is a new one.
Other Favorite Characters,Pairings : Mal/Inara, Phedre/Joscelin, Phedre/Melisande, Jack/Liz (IDK)
Favorite Books (because, television is NOT our only addiction: As stated, Kushiel's Legacy, Wheel of Time, anything by Neil Gaiman, have dabbled in the Terry Pratchett series, love-but-not-deeply-entrenched-in Harry Potter, etc.
Favorite Movies : Moulin Rouge (WHAT), The Shawkshank Redemption, Mononoke Hime, Dr, Horrible's Sing-along Blog (sort of counts), The Notebook, Sherlock Holmes, 300, Tarantino films

What am I gonna find on your journal? A lot of rambling. As of late, a lot of me being hard on myself. :\ But sometimes it's fun, I promise.
Friends locked or no? Nope
What's your friending policy? Friend me, I'll friend you, we'll be good, yes?
Any communities you'd like to pimp? Not necessarily
Anything else?:

Ohh. And if anyone else has a Tumblr,



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