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blackmamba_esq March 29 2010, 01:02:58 UTC
Name : Rejena
Age: 30
Location : USA


Favorite Characters : Archer, Lana, Malory
Favorite Pairings : Archer/Lana, Lana/Pam
Favorite Episodes : Skorpio and Skytanic
Favorite Archer Quote: Anything that starts with "Lana," and ends with "Danger zone."


Other Fandoms : Merlin, Ugly Betty, Psych, Fringe, Eureka, The Good Wife, Supernatural, Southland, Joss Whedon World, Private Practice, Doctor Who, Mad Men, Being Human, Spooks, Flash Forward, X-Men, Batman, and a host of others.
Other Favorite Characters,Pairings : Arthur/Gwen (Merlin), Daniel/Wilhelmina (Ugly Betty), Laurence/Adelle (Dollhouse), Jack/Allison (Eureka), Sam/Castiel (Supernatural), Emma/Scott (X-Men), Storm/Gambit (X-Men), Emma/Storm (X-Men), Bruce/Selina (Batman), Demetri/Zoey (Flash Forward), Master/Ten (Doctor Who) and more...
Favorite Books (because, television is NOT our only addiction: All kinds. At the moment The Shining by Stephen King.
Favorite Movies : Kill Bill Vol. I & II

What am I gonna find on your journal? My personal journal is mainly fandom stuff, with a little work and writing thrown in. My graphics and fic are posted at other comms.
Friends locked or no? Locked
What's your friending policy? If we have stuff in common I generally friend you back. I prefer people over 18 though.
Any communities you'd like to pimp? vchamber
Anything else?:


dreaming_faerie March 29 2010, 03:00:43 UTC
I actually managed to get your 'favorite Archer quote' ringtone. :')


blackmamba_esq March 29 2010, 15:33:30 UTC
Really? Oh, that fantastic :)


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